18. you're just stupid!

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They were all just staring. Kirishima laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "I-I can explain," he said.

"Ooooooh really? What lame excuse you got this time?" Ear Girl smirked.

"L-Listen, I fell off the bed this morning and my back hurts and I can't walk and Baku is a grumpy person so he needs his food before we can get to Recovery Girl because I don't want him attacking a sweet old lady and ya know like he's just doing a bro thing alright?!" Kiri spat out words faster than anyone could process.

"Excuse me... what???" Dunce Face tilted his head.

I walked over, setting Kiri down in a seat and rolling my eyes, "He hurt his back and can't walk, dip shits. I'll take him to Recovery Girl once we eat."


Bakugou walked away to get food, and I was stuck sitting at the table. I was a blushing embarrassed mess. "Yo, Kiri, are you okay though? A back injury that made you unable to walk seems bad. Why didn't you use your quirk?" Sero has a tendency to ask way too many questions at once.

"Well I uh fell of my bed, so it's not horrible. I don't actually feel any pain other than when I walk. I couldn't harden my back because it's too early in the morning and like... I'm tired and it happened fast." I smile.

"Well, as long as you are alright, I'm happy!" Mina smiled. "So, everyone knows we have to go around 5 tomorrow to meet up with Aizawa, right?"

"Yep!" We all said.

"Is it alright if I bring Momo? She's seemed really down that she can't go see her parents because they are in America," Jirou twisted her ear-jacks around her finger.

"Yeah, as long as you tell Aizawa!" Kaminari smiled.

"Cool! Thanks loser for giving me approval even though I asked Mina." She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Yep! No problem my dude!" Kaminari laughed.

Bakugou suddenly came back, slamming the food down on the table. He got eggs and bacon for both of us. I laugh, "Dang bro calm down. Someone in the lunch line make you mad?"

He then looked at me, angry. Not really at me, I could tell that, but he was mad about something. "Stupid fucking CopyCat bitch from 1B."

Everyone turned to him to listen. I began to eat from my side of the plate. "What happened?" I said after swallowing my first bite.

"He fucking cut me and then that son of a bitch laughed at me for getting you food too because he thought I was getting it all
for me and then he called me fucking fat and I had enough and I might have socked him..."

My eyes widened, "Bakugou!! Why would you do that?!"

"Well that side ponytail girl like wasn't there to keep him in check, so I did, and then she took him away, apologizing." He smirked thinking about it.

"Bakugou!!!! YOU should have apologized!" I roll my eyes.

He shrugs, "Too late now."

"Why would he even bother talking to you though? Like why does he do that?" Mina rhetorically asked.

"Well, Monoma has always been very um.. how do you say it... passive aggressive.." Kaminari seemed to be really thinking about it himself.

"You call THAT passive aggressive? I think it's just ego," Sero shrugged and Jirou nodded, agreeing with his statement.

"Okay, actually aggressive!" Kaminari looked away in defeat. "Sorry I'm not always right," he mumbled.

Sero patted his back, "It's alright, you're just stupid!" He smiled from ear to ear.

"SERO!!" Kaminari's face flushed in red.

We all laughed at them, even Bakugou snickered. Mina tilted her head, "Does he really hate us because we got attacked by villains and Bakugou said some annoying self centered stuff as usual? I feel like that's stupid."

"I mean, yeah, it doesn't make sense at all... but we are all fighting for the same goal, right? So, he's jealous that we just so happen to be stealing the light from him. It could be because we are a bit ahead of class 1B, or it could just be because of the villain attacks, but he doesn't seem to like it." I shrug and take a bite of my bacon.

"That's a good way to think about it. But, no matter what, that kids just an annoying twerp so we can probably just ignore him for awhile," Jirou said, and she was right.

Bakugou looked down at his food intensely. He looked like he was gonna kill it. Then, he just shook it off and went back to his plain stare.

Apparently, I was the only one that noticed that because everyone just moved on from talking about Monoma. I didn't feel like talking about what they were talking about, and I knew Bakugou wanted to leave, so I waved at Mina. "We are gonna go, kay?" I smile.

"Okay, bye Kirishima!" She waved, and the rest of them joined, until they continued talking about... something... I don't know I stopped listening.

Bakugou picked me up, and we walked to Recovery Girl's office. It was kinda quiet in the halls... it was weird. There were a couple 2nd and 3rd years wandering around, but nobody else. Usually this hallway was at least slightly busy, due to the cafeteria being close. Then we passed the main game room, and I realized that's where everyone was. Mostly just 3rd years though. The 2nd and 1st years were probably in our designated game/living rooms.

Once we got to her office, Recovery Girl motioned us in with a smile. Usually she'd be in the school building, but no kids are allowed in, so there wasn't a huge reason for her to be there. She healed me up really fast, just saying that I couldn't walk due to something I forget because I forgot to listen... I've been forgetting to listen a lot lately.

time skip ahhahhah

It was about 1 in the afternoon when I got a text from Mina.

Mina: bro kiri you wanna come to the big 1A sleepover we are going to have in the game room?

Kiri: omg yes i'll force baku to come too

Mina: baku???

Kiri: oh hush it's just a shorter way to say it

Mina: mHMMMMM riiiiiight.

I smiled at my phone and looked up to Bakugou setting up his tv on his wall again. "We are going to a 1A sleepover tonight so get excited."



lets all sing happy birthday to our beautiful asshole, bakugay. :)
it's also my dogs birthday so love that.

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