37. the interview

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9 months later

3rd person

"Katsuki! Let's get ice cream!" Kirishima smiler, running up to his boyfriend of 5 months.

Kirishima and Bakugou had gotten to know each other once again after they met. They hung out with the rest of the squad a lot and would usually only talk privately when on a call or playing video games together. (Usually Minecraft... Kirishima's choice.) Eventually, after about three months of that, they started hanging out again alone. About a month later, they got back together. Just like last time they began dating, nothing really changed. They had been dating for about 5 months now, and about a month ago announced it to the news. #Kiribaku was trending on Twitter for like a week.

They did a lot of interviews, and even had one later that night. A lot of the interviews were very cookie cutter, always asking things about marriage and what happened when they got together and how their high school relationship resurfaced. Usually Kirishima would ask the questions, as Bakugou seemed to be very... passionate... about their love to reporters. (He really just hated interviews.)

"Fine. Let's go to the place around the corner up there," Bakugou's said as they took a turn. They walked just a short bit longer before turning once again and walking into the ice cream shop.

"Kirishima! Bakugou! Hey!" Kaminari smiled from the counter. He worked here part time for the only reason being he got a discount.

"Hey Kami!" Kirishima smiled, walking up and looking at the menu. "Hmm... I'll have chocolate with brownies please," He smiled.

"Okie dokie, and you Bakubro?" Kaminari smiled at Bakugou, knowing how he still hates the "Bakubro" nickname.

"Bitch..." Bakugou whispered, knowing his intentions. "Vanilla."

"Okay! Comin right up!" He gave them their number, then walked to the back to get mixing, and we went over to sit down.

He soon came over, handing it to the two boys with a smile, and then leaving. Kirishima happily ate, and so did Bakugou, it was just less evident.


"Woohoo! Motorcycle ride to the interview!" Kirishima smiled, grabbing the keys. "Can I drive tonight?!" He gleamed.

"No. You drove last time, dumbass, Bakugou smirked, sitting on the drivers seat and putting his hand out for the keys.

Kirishima grumbled, but handed them to Bakugou anyway. Once they were both situated, Bakugou zoomed out of their driveway.

Yes, they did buy a house together.... along with the Bakusquad. Except Jirou, only because she lived with her newly wed, Momo. They frequently came over, though, mostly so Jirou and Sero could go all out on the air hockey table they got for Sero on his birthday.

Kirishima was a little nervous for this specific interview. It was one with a live audience, but that wasn't really why he was nervous. He was nervous because of the box in his pocket and the people who would be watching. Well, they wouldn't be in the audience. It would be too evident to Bakugou of what was happening. They'd be in the back, cheering Kirishima on from afar.

They pulled up to the station and walked in, following the map to the room they needed to go to so they could get ready. The lady interviewing them's name was Lena. She was very nice and polite, explaining how the night would go. They both listened intently as some ladies helped them get ready, adding light make up to Kirishima and heavy make up to Bakugou (mostly eyeliner... and he did it).

Another lady walked in, telling Lena some stuff about the night, Kirishima and Bakugou both recognized her as the announcer from the 15 heroes thing. "Lena- I mixed up some of the paperwork. You'll be doing questions from guests last, not first," she smiled.

"Ella, this is why I do all the smart things. Also, you spelled 'notice' as 'k-n-o-w-t-i-c-e,'" Lena deadpanned.

"I made those really late at night, okay?!?! It was an accident!" She pouted and then walked off.

"You two friends?" Kirishima laughed.

Lena rolled her eyes in a friendly annoyed way, "Yeah. She hates it when I point out her spelling mistakes."

"Wasn't she announcers from that one thing?" Bakugou asked.

"Very descriptive, Katsuki, but yeah," Kirishima nodded. "Wait.. how come she's here then?"

"Ah, she works here, but that event was too big to be held here so they had her go there. She kept texting me in a panic saying that the building was too big and she'd get lost," Lena laughed.

Soon, the interview began. Ella, of course, announced the beginning of the show, and a row of applause followed after. The beginning went on as normal, just talking about UA all the way to their hero work, about why they broke up, and a couple other things.

Kirishima answered most of them, unless Bakugou was directly asked to answer. They took a commercial break, and Kirishima went into his secret break room where the Bakusquad was located. "Kiri! You're doing great!" Mina smiled.

"It's almost time, too," Kaminari waggled his eyebrows.

"I know, I know... I'm nervous. My stomach is turning... no... flipping," Kirishima said.

"You'll do great. You both honestly should've done this a long time ago," Jirou shrugged.

"How did you survive proposing?" Sero asked, looking at Jirou.

"Dunno. Just kinda went for it. Honestly expected her to propose right back to me, since we are both the type to propose," Jirou smiled.

Soon the buzzer for starting up again went off, and Kirishima's eyes widened. "Guys I can't do it-" he started.

But it was too late, they were all already giving him a little push out the door, and soon he was back on stage right next to Bakugou. "Where did you go?" He asked.

"Bathroom," Kirishima shrugged.

The show started back up and now it was guest questions. Everyone in the audience was already informed not to ask questions about a wedding/proposal, and everyone was informed of Kirishima's plan.

The exactly 17th person to ask a question was Momo, who had been hiding in the audience the whole time. "So, Bakugou, any plans for engagement?" She asked.

He recognized her, but didn't seem to question it. "No I don't believe so, do we-"

As soon as he turned around he was met with Kirishima on one knee. "Now we do!" He smiled. "So, would you, the Katsuki, aka Bakugou, aka Ground Zero, aka Bakugbro, aka-"

"Okay I get it," Bakugou deadpanned.

"Take me, lil ol' Shitty Hair, to marry?" Kirishima put on the widest smile he ever had.

"Hell yeah... although I expected you to do this in private," Bakugou raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry babe," Kirishima said with a laugh, and they kissed, and the curtains were closed. The only thing that could be heard after that was cheering.


soooo... that was the last chapter! i'll do an epilogue soon, though! i'm so glad everyone who liked this book... liked it, and it was so nice to write! ily all and i hope this ending was satisfying enough for you! :D

(also im so sorry this is unedited but it's  11:15 and i'm so tired-)

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