Chapter 1

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A loud crash rang through the large home.

Lance had dropped a small glass figure. It was shattered across the floor and he immediately went to clean it. The Omega heard footsteps rushing down the hall and he mentally slapped himself.

"Lance!" Lotor screamed.

Lotor looked all dressed up, like usual. He was wearing a light purple button down shirt and black pants with dress shoes.

Lance began to tremble as he looked up at the Alpha, "I'm sorry!"

Lotor huffed in anger, "That was expensive!" He grabbed Lance's arm, lifting him up off the floor. "Go to your room, now."

Lance scrambled up the staircase and down the hall to his small room. He had a bed, a floor mirror and a closet, barely containing any clothing.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He was lanky and frail. He held back tears, making sure none slipped out of his blue eyes.

The door creaked open, which made him turn. Ezor stood there, until sitting on Lance's bed, motioning for him to sit next to her, in which he did.

"What happened this time?" Ezor asked.

"I was told to dust some things on the shelves. I was carrying some glass, a-and I... dropped it." Lance explained in an almost whisper. "H-He's mad."

Ezor chuckled, "Prepare yourself for a punishment, little omega. You know how Lotor is."

And with that, Ezor left Lance alone in silence. He hated silence. His 'pack' treated him as if he were the worst person in the whole world. He didn't remember anything before he was taken into the pack. Lotor had scent marked him, which put him and his inner omega in a daze.

His inner omega just wanted to be loved, to be cared for.

Lance was cut from his thoughts as a knock was sounded at the door. Lotor strutted in, soon standing in front of Lance.

"You do understand there are consequences to your actions, correct?" Lotor asked.

Lance nodded, looking up at the alpha, "Yes, but I-"

Lotor smacked him across the cheek, and Lance winced, "Just a simple yes or no. I haven't thought of a punishment for you, yet." Lance rubbed his cheek, but Lotor grabbed his hand gently and placed his own hand there. "I hope you know this is for your own good of learning your place."

"I do." Lance mumbled, looking away.

Lotor hummed, taking a step back and thinking. Lance gulped as Lotor chuckled to himself, moving closer to him with a smirk plastered on his face.


Keith yawned, stretching his arms. He turned in his rolling chair, somewhat enjoying the silence.

Keith liked the silence, but it aggravated him that he didn't have anyone to talk to. Yes, he had his pack, but sometimes they were to much for him.

Keith was the head Alpha of the pack, leading it with ease and being a natural fighter and protector. Shiro was also an alpha, he dated a beta named Curtis.

Love at first sight, Keith groaned at the thought and huffed.

Something in the corner of his eye blinked. He turned in his chair and pressed a button on his desk, where a blue hologram screen popped up. A woman appeared on screen.

"Hey, mom." Keith greeted, sitting back in his chair.

Krolia smiled, "Hello, my darling. Has life been treating you well lately?"

Keith shrugged, "Just been the usual. So what's up?"

Krolia was Keith's mother. She was an omega.

"Have you found someone?" Krolia asked.

Keith quirked an eyebrow up, "Found someone?"

"Have you found a lover?" Krolia questioned. "Like an omega?"

"No, mom. Is this the only reason you called?" Keith shot back.

"Like I said, numerous times. You should find an omega for your pack." Krolia reminded. "Maybe you'd be lucky to find a male."

"A male omega? Really?" Keith laughed.

Krolia nodded, "Your pack needs an omega. You need an omega. I know, for a fact, you'd care for the person you find."

"Ok, ok." Keith sighed. "I'll let you know what happens."

"Good! Take care of yourself, Keith." Then the screen went black.

Keith slumped in his chair, thinking long and hard. He got up and walked out of the office he sat in, going to find Shiro and the others.

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