Chapter 23

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A couple days later, everything about the problem started ceasing. But currently, there was some arguing at lunch.

"I'm not going to allow you to keep blowing sh*t up!" Keith yelled at Pidge, who gasped.

"How dare you call my inventions sh*t!" Pidge screamed, slamming her hands on the table and leaning forward. "It's not my fault they blow up!"

"Well-" Curtis was going to cut in.

Pidge and Keith glared at him, "Shut it, Curtis!"

The two argued back and forth. Lance glanced at a Hunk, who looked back. The omega held up three fingers, then two, then one.

Calming pheromones filled the room. The beta and alpha relaxed, sitting back down and clearing their throats. The pack bursted into fits of laughter.

Lance took a bite of a cookie, "My work here is done." Then he got up and went upstairs.

Romelle and Allura followed him, stopping him before he got to his room. Romelle put an arm around his shoulder. "Would you like to hang with us for a bit?"

Lance's eyes lit up, "Sure! I-I mean- yes! Yes, please!"

Allura and Romelle dragged the omega to their room. They sat him down on a rolling chair and went to the bathroom connected. They brought out a variety of face masks, hair clips, nail polishes and such. Lance gulped, not realizing what he had gotten himself into.

"Of course you don't have to do all of this but we'd like to introduce you to skin care." Allura informed.

"W-Why? Is my face breaking out?!" Lance was quick to ask.

Romelle giggled, "No, no, no! Your skin is absolutely perfect. She meant we want to show you face masks."

"Oh." Lance chuckled, a blush of embarrassment growing on his cheeks.

Romelle helped Lance put on a face mask, as she then put one on her own face. Allura did her own as well as paint her nails. After a while they washed/peeled off the face masks. At the moment, the Omega was braiding Romelle's hair while Allura did her nails.


Lance gasped, "S-Shoot..."

"What's wrong?" Allura asked, but got a whiff of Lance's scent. She covered her nose and stood up. "Sh*t, Lance. Your going into heat."

Romelle quickly stood, "Lance go nest in your room. We'll let Keith know."

Lance nodded, panting as he dragged himself to his room. He grabbed pillows and blankets, arranging them into a sort of nest on the floor. To him it was quite comfortable but something was missing.

He whined, hugging a pillow to his stomach, wondering what exactly was missing.

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