Chapter 30

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Lance fell to his knees with a cry. Keith was quick to his side, helping him back up. His inner alpha screamed in his head that something was clearly wrong.


"I-I... I think- um..." Lance stuttered out a bit embarrassed, his voice becoming quieter. ".... water broke."

Yep, his water indeed broke.

Keith cursed under his breathe, then calling out, "Allura! Please get the car ready!"

Allura poked her head from her room and quirked an eyebrow up. She went to ask why but saw Lance and squealed, rushing down the hall with slippers on and rushed outside.

Their plan was that Allura would drive and Keith would help Lance. They had put this idea together a week before the estimated labor time. Lance's inner omega is very familiar with Keith and Allura, so it was only logical she'd tag along.

"Can I pick you up?" Keith asked shakily, easing his hands forward. Lance nodded painfully and was picked up. "Let's get this pup born, yeah?"

"Y-Yeah." Lance squeaked out.

He was carried to the pack van, where Allura was waiting in the drivers seat. Keith set Lance in the back, helping him buckle in and then hopping in next to him.

Allura drove, just a bit over the speed limit. The omega whined and clung onto his alpha's arm. They were quick to get to their local hospital, rushing into the emergency room.

The receptionist was quite surprised to see and hear a male omega in labor. With this, Lance was quickly moved to a room while doctors prepared.

"Who's the father or mother of the upcoming pup?" The doctor asked Allura and Keith.

Keith proudly stepped forward, "Me."

"You may stay during the procedure if your omega so do wishes." The doctor informed, then turning to Allura. "Though, you will not be permitted to stay."

"Please stay!" Lance whined as a nurse was putting an IV on the back of his right hand.

Keith turned to Allura, "You alright with having to wait?"

"Mhm!" Allura nodded. "Just text me when I can come back. I'll be in the waiting room."

When Allura left, the procedure for the pup was put into action. Lance cried of pain as he pushed and  Keith just held his left hand comfortingly. It took a while, but soon they heard the wailing of an infant.

The nurse had to hold the mates back as the doctor cleaned the pup up. Lance whined and cried, panting as his body felt sore and weak. "My... b-baby..."

The pup was swaddled in a soft pink blanket by the doctor, who handed the infant to Lance. Keith pulled a chair up next to the bed, staring at his mate and child.

Keith reached his hand out, gently grabbing the pale pup's hand with his thumb and pointer finger. He sniffled as the pup instinctively wrapped her fingers around his pointer finger. "H-Hey, baby."

"She's precious." Lance cried, then laughed through his tears of joy. "She's as pale as you, Keith."

"It's already clear she has your nose." Keith shot back with a smile, wiping his tears with his sleeve.

Lance sniffled, "I love my family."

Keith gently pecked the infant's forehead, then Lance's nose, "I love my family, too."

<Chapter uploads will be sped up for this story.
I'm currently working on the finishing chapters and wanted some opinions.

There is a side of me who wants a continuation of this book, like a Volume II.
Though, I'm not to sure about it.
So let me know your thoughts!

Love to you all ❤️ >

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