Chapter 7

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It was midnight, and Keith was sitting in the large office downstairs. Shiro walked down the stairs seeing the light of the office on. He sighed, walking in and taking a seat.

"Why are you up." Shiro spoke.

Keith hummed, "Because."

"Beacuse?" Shiro responded, getting a shrug. "Your sleep schedule is terrible."

"Thank you." Keith chided.

"Anyways when we called Krolia, she didn't sound to good." Shiro spoke softly and Keith perked up. "She claims she has a cold but...."

Keith growled, "But what?"

"I think otherwise." Shiro stated.

"I hope she's ok." Keith sighed. "She's putting to much effort into things. Especially about Lance."

"Speaking of Lance~" Shiro spoke, lightening the mood.

"What now?" Keith groaned.

"Four days and you two have been getting pretty close." Shiro pointed out.

"Shiro, I'll admit it. I love him, but he's going through a lot and we just met, you know?" Keith explained.

Shiro sighed, "Curtis and I only knew each other for a day and we knew it was meant to be."

Keith hummed and stared at the wall, "I guess your right?"

"I am." Shiro chuckled. "Now lets go to bed. We still need sleep. Especially you."

"Got it." Keith spoke, not going to protest.


Lance awoke to someone nudging him. He groaned and rolled over, cuddling against Kosmo, who was asleep against Lance.

"Get up my boys!" Keith exclaimed.

He went to nudge Lance again, but Kosmo growled at the alpha. Keith narrowed his eyes at the dog.

"Kosmo, now is not the time." Keith stated.

Kosmo just rested his head on Lance's side. Keith wasn't amused with the dog. He whistled, which got Kosmo to get up and off the bed. It also woke up Lance.

"It's bright outside." Lance mumbled, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

"Yes it is." Keith spoke.

Lance groaned and rolled back onto his stomach, putting his face into the pillow. Keith took a hold of Lance and picked him up out of bed then setting him down on his feet.

"Good morning." Keith spoke with a smile.

"Morning." Lance grumbled.

Keith and Lance stared each other in the eyes. Lance brushed some of Keith's long hair out of his face.

"Kosmo no!" Romelle screamed, chasing the dog past their doorway and down the hall.

The boys snapped their heads to the noise then looked back at each other, giggling.

"I-I'm going to get dressed." Lance informed.

Keith nodded, leaving the room and shutting the door. He went downstairs and sat at the dining table. Lance came down the stairs not long after.

Pidge then skipped down the steps, going to her usual seat. Hunk set food in the middle of the table and handed everyone a plate.

As everyone began eating, Shiro spoke up, "Krolia is very sick. Kolivan called and has said she's not doing well at all."

Keith gasped, "What?"

"Do they need assistance?" Coran asked.

"Keith, Allura, Pidge, and I will go take a short visit." Shiro spoke.

The three nodded and continued eating. After breakfast, the four decided to head out. Curtis, Lance, Romelle, Coran and Hunk went off to do something.

"So, what shall we do?" Coran asked, twirling his orange mustache.

"Let's make cupcakes!" Hunk exclaimed.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Curtis replied, then turning and pointing at Coran. "Don't go near the stove."

Coran put his hands up defensively. Hunk pulled all the ingredients out and utensils and such. He let everyone help with measuring, mixing, and all the things you do before putting the cupcakes in the oven.

Hunk slid the tray into the oven. Romelle and Lance watched closely, sitting in front of the closed oven, watching the cakes rise. Curtis came behind them.

"You two are silly." Curtis spoke.

"It's really cool to watch them rise." Lance replied.

"Science!" Romelle exclaimed.

When the cupcakes were done baking, Hunk set them on a cooling wrack on the dining room table. He instructed everyone to wait for a moment while he whips up some icing in different colors and put them into icing bags.

So when Hunk was done, the group began to make the cupcakes pretty. Lance and Romelle kept sneaking tastes of the icing, only to be caught by Hunk.

They all were just finishing when the door burst open. Their heads snapped in that direction, seeing the four others come back from the small mission.

Except, they looked worried. Shiro was bickering with Keith. Hunk motioned for Allura and Pidge to take a seat at the dining table, which they gladly took. 

"Keith isn't taking news well." Pidge grumbled, glancing at the two alphas.

"What happened?" Coran asked.

Allura gulped, "His mom isn't doing so well."

"I think she's dying." Pidge cut in.

Allura whacked her on the head, "Pidge!"

"Oh well!" Pidge blurted out, throwing her hands in the air.

They were all interrupted by Keith storming up the stairs and Shiro taking a seat at the table, grumbling to himself.

Lance hesitated, but mustered up the courage and spoke, "Can I talk to Keith?"

"Sure you can." Shiro spoke, letting a smile spread across his face.

Lance nodded a thank you, then going up the stairs. He went to Keith's room, knocking softly on the door. The door opened, showing Keith, who's facial expression softened when he noticed it was Lance. Keith motioned for him to come in, which he did.

"What's up?" Keith spoke up.

Lance gently grabbed Keith's hand, "Are you ok?"

Keith just shrugged. Lance cocked his head to the side, then hugged him.

"Itll be ok." Lance muttered.

"I know. I just-" Keith choked on his words. "I don't want to loose her."

"You won't. Because either way she's with you." Lance spoke, then putting his hand over Keith's heart. "In there."

Keith chuckled, "Your right."

Lance nodded, "I know."

Keith smiled, pulling Lance's face close to his and planting his lips on his. At first Lance was tense, but he melted into the kiss. They pulled away, ending the kiss and smiling into each other's eyes.

That was something both of them will remember.

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