Chapter 14

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Keith skidded his motorcycle to a stop. He sniffed the air and his eyes went wide.

"What is it?" Curtis asked as Shiro stopped next to him.

Keith got off his vehicle, "It's really strong." He ventured off the path and towards the woods. "Somethings wrong."

Shiro and Curtis joined his side. They couldn't smell anything but they knew something was up. Keith was very wary and on edge.

"He's in trouble." Keith blurted out with tears in his eyes.

Curtis brought him in for a hug. Shiro looked at the sight and frowned. Keith was always strong and such a good leader, and now he was breaking down.

Shiro whipped Keith around to look at him, "The whole reason why we are here now, is to find Lance. We aren't giving up. So lead. Lead the way to the scent."

Keith wiped his tears and nodded with a determined smile. He hopped back on his motorcycle, driving it off the path with Shiro and Curtis following.


Lance was breathing heavily. He was on the floor, head about between his knees. He wanted to cry, wanted to throw up, everything that touched his skin sent trembles down his body and he wanted to run away.

But he didn't know exactly why he wanted to get away from 'his' alpha.

He pushed those thoughts away and just then Lotor walked into the room. He leaned down in front of Lance and forced his head up.

"What's wrong?" Lotor asked.

Lance's body shook at the touch, "It's h-hot... and I-I don't feel t-to w-well."

"Perfect." Lotor smirked. "Your in heat."

Lance groaned and teared up. His abdomen hurt and he was sweating a lot. Lotor helped him up and sat him on the bed.

"I-It hurts." Lance stuttered.

Lotor rubbed his back, but Lance flinched at the touch. The alpha was somewhat annoyed by this, but smirked upon thinking of something.

"It won't hurt much longer." Lotor pointed out, tilting Lance's head to the side.

The omega's neck was fully visible, with swollen scent glands. Lotor pulled him slightly closer and leaned into the crook of Lance's neck. He sniffed the scent, grinning against his skin.

Lance closed his eyes, but popped them back open when he felt teeth sink into his neck. He yelped loudly, letting tears flow down his cheeks.

Lotor backed up, seeing the omega hold onto the side of his neck tightly.

Not right.

Lance cowered.

Don't accept.

He whimpered and lowered his hands to his lap.

Not you.
Don't accept.
Not right.
Not alpha.
Not you.

Lance's inner omega screamed. His vision became blurry and he fell forward, Lotor somewhat catching his upper body.

Tha alpha growled, "Accept it, dammit."

Lance didn't say anything as his body went limp. Lotor sighed and placed him into a lying position. He pulled the covers over his body and stomped out of the room.


Keith, Curtis and Shiro were all sitting around a campfire. They had stopped for the night but they were still in the woods.

Keith bounced his leg up and down. He was anxious and worried. The scent alarmed him as it shifted almost every minute.

Shiro and Curtis worried for their friend. He needed to not be stressed so he can think correctly and not become feral.

"We'll start moving again right as the sun comes up." Shiro informed.

Curtis blew on the fire, trying to get it to grow bigger, "Sounds like a plan, man."

"Why can't we just go now?" Keith growled.

"We all need rest." Shiro pointed out. "Especially you, Keith. You must be in the right mindset when we save Lance."

"Yeah, we don't need you going feral." Curtis added.

Keith pouted and looked away. He stared at a bush with flower buds on it. He couldn't wait. He needed to see his omega, needed to save him.


Keith quirked an eyebrow up at the somewhat familiar voice in his head.

Their right.
No feral.

Keith groaned and slapped the side of his head. Curtis questionably looked at him but turned his gaze away after getting a glare.

The fire soon ceased and they all lied on the soft ground beneath them. No one saying a word.

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