Chapter 17

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"Lance, darling, I'm back." Lotor spoke, opening the door to their bedroom and closing it.

Lance softly smiled as Lotor sat back down next to him. The omega tried to forget about the voice, succeeding at the moment.

"Are you doing alright?" Lotor asked.

Lance nodded with a small chirp, "I am!" He wrapped his arms around the alpha, who smirked in response. "Can we finish the chapter of the book, alpha?"

Lotor hummed, "I had something else in mi-"

Ezor burst through the door, huffing, "L-Lotor... t-there's a s-scent... of another a-alpha... intruding."

Lotor narrowed his eyes. He perked up slightly and sniffed the air. He growled, recognizing the scent, and turning to Lance.

"Follow close behind me." Lotor said darkly.

He yanked Lance up, and the two followed Ezor down the halls. Ezor and Lotor sniffed out the alpha, while Lance stayed close behind the alpha.

There was a yelp, then some frantic yelling in the living room. The three turned the corner to see Keith being stuck in the grasp of Zethrid.

Lotor tsked, "What a pleasant surprise, Keith."

"Lotor." Keith growled, then spotting Lance. "Lance!"

Real alpha.
Gentle alpha.

Lance winced, which Lotor took notice of.

"He's marked. He's no longer yours." Lotor smirked as he informed the other alpha.

Keith went almost limp, "Y-You did-didnt..."

"Oh but I did." Lotor laughed, grabbing Lance's waist and pulling him close. "The little omega officially belongs to me and knows I'm his true alpha."


Lance breathed heavily.

Reject mark.
Fake alpha lies.

"L-Lotor..." Lance breathed out, before collapsing and holding onto his bruised mark.

Lotor caught him and held him up, "The hell is wrong with you?"

"He's..." Keith perked up. "His mark states your words differently, Lotor. He's rejecting your mark!"

"Excuse me?!" Lotor yelled out, pushing Lance in the middle of the room. "I told you to ignore your inner omega. I told you this! All it says is lies!"

Lance whimpered. He shakily looked up to Keith, who had tears in his eyes, then he looked to Lotor, who was giving Ezor orders.

"K-Keith... I-I-" Lance was cut off when he was pulled up by Lotor.

A hand was clamped over his mouth and Ezor went towards Keith with handcuffs. Lance flailed his legs as he was pulled down the hall by Lotor. He could see Keith still, his pupils turning to slits and his eyes going bloodshot.

Want alpha.

"Lance!" Keith screamed out.

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