Chapter 13

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Lance ran his fingers through his hair, sniffling and sitting down, holding his head in his hands. Just a little while ago, Lotor tried to scent mark him, again. Lance refused, and it didn't end well.

Lotor had told him that the punishment will be worse the next time he misbehaves. Lance didn't care. He just didn't want to be marked or scent marked by him.

He was forced to sleep with Lotor, which he didn't like. Lance tried to stay far away from him in the bed but every time he tried, Lotor would grab his waist and pull him closer. He wasn't gentle with anything, unlike Keith.

Lotor strutted in, and went to Lance, bending down to his height, "I came to check on your wound, sweetheart."

"It doesn't need to be checked." Lance protested.

"When will you learn?" Lotor muttered, then speaking in an alpha voice. "Lance, take off your shirt. I need my omega healthy."

Lance took off his shirt, revealing the bandages that were somewhat soaked in blood, "There."

Lotor hummed, unwrapping the bandages and looking at the wound. Lance stayed still and looked at the ground. Lotor pulled out some bandages from his back pocket and wrapped them around his abdomen so his side was covered.

"There you go." Lotor spoke, as Lance pulled his shirt back on. "Now that wasn't hard Now was it?"

Lance nodded, wrapping his arms around himself and looking away, "Yeah, it wasn't."

"Are you going to behave now?" Lotor asked, gently moving Lance's head to face him.

"If your thinking about scent marking me, then no." Lance spat. "So how about you let me go home and go die in a hole."

Lotor growled, which scared Lance. He pushed Lance off the bed, letting him fall to the ground. Lotor pulled the omega up, pinning him against the wall and wrapping his hand around his throat. Lance grabbed onto Lotor's wrist, trembling in fear.

Lotor stared at Lance, clearly upset, "You must comprehend that your mine now. Your not going back to Keith, he won't be able to find you. So I suggest you follow by my rules before you end up getting yourself neck deep into trouble. Got that?" Lance nodded quickly. "Good boy. I think scent marking you now is a good time."


Keith padded down the stairs with Kosmo, seeing Curtis and Hunk sitting at the dining room table.

"Where's everyone else?" Keith asked, making his way to them.

"Romelle and Pidge are still asleep and Shiro is in the office talking to Allura." Curtis informed.

Keith nodded, going to straight to the office to include himself in the conversation.

Allura noticed him walk in, "Good morning, Keith. Your just in time to hear our thought out plan."

Keith pulled a chair next to Shiro, "Good."

"So, you have an item with Lance's scent, right?." Shiro asked, getting a nod. "With that, you can basically sniff him out."

Keith facepalmed, "Why didn't I think of that."

"Your stressed." Allura spoke. "When shall we execute this plan?"

"Now." Keith insisted.

The two nodded. They got up and went to the dining table, eating a small breakfast and informing everyone on the plan. Keith grabbed the sweatshirt he was holding onto and took a big whiff of it. His inner alpha whined and growled, urging to get going.

Curtis, Shiro and Keith headed out. Keith rode his motorcycle while Curtis was on the back of Shiro's, holding onto his waist.


Ezor opened the doors to Lotor's room. Lotor was reading something while Lance had a tear stained face, glassy eyes and was sitting besides Lotor on the couch on the far wall.

"Did you finally do it?" Ezor asked.

Lotor sighed, putting down his book, "Sort of. He put up up a huge fight and now he's just kind of out of it."

Ezor hummed, "I came to say that Zethrid and I are heading to town."

"For?" Lotor asked.

"Just to have time to ourselves." Ezor mumbled.

Lotor waved her off and she exited. He slouched back and sighed. Lance still sat there, almost in a daze while he hugged himself. Lotor grabbed his arm, which made him whine and shiver.

"Lance," Lotor spoke softly. "Sit back." Lance sat back and Lotor wrapped an arm around him. "See? Everything's ok. Stop fighting with your inner omega."

Lance bit his lip, some tears escaping his eyes. Lotor frowned and wiped the tears away with his thumb.

Lotor inspected his face, "Who am I?"

"Your Lotor." Lance spoke in a hushed tone. "Your my alpha."

"Good boy." Lotor praised, ruffling Lance's hair.

Ezor burst into the room, earning a harsh glare from Lotor, "Sorry, sorry. I was about to be on my way, but do you want anything from town?"

"No." Lotor growled.

"Ok!" Ezor left.

Lotor thought for a moment, combing his fingers through Lance's hair. He looked at him, grabbing the back of his neck tightly as well as his wrist. Lance flinched and whined.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Lotor asked, earning a shake of the head from Lance. "I'm thinking I'm going to have some fun with you today."

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