Chapter 3

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Keith was in his room, sliding on black combat boots.

His room was simple. He had an adjoining bathroom, which he walked into and looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a red shirt, jeans and his boots.

Shiro walked into Keith's room. He was wearing a white shirt with jeans and black boots.

"You ready?" Shiro asked.

Keith nodded, walking out of his room with Shiro. They headed downstairs, being greeted by everyone, who was eating lunch.

Pidge, another beta, had a green tank top and black shorts with flip flops on. Curtis was wearing a grey sweatshirt with black shorts and was barefoot. Coran has a casual blue and white button down shirt with jeans and tennis shoes on.

Coran spoke up, "Be careful on your ride."

"We will." Shiro smiled.

"Keith!" Pidge piped up. "Find a mate!"

Keith growled about to say something but everyone started talking over each other.

Shiro whistled, "We'll be back soon, maybe an hour. Curtis is in charge."

"We can take care of ourselves." Pidge spoke.

"Yeah, no." Keith blurted out. "Coran is the oldest here and he still can't figure out how to work the new stove."

"He's got a point!" Coran agreed.

Keith sighed, "We'll be back, see you guys soon."

Shiro and Keith headed out the front door, moving towards two motorcycles. One black, purple and white, the other red and white.

Keith hopped on the red one preparing himself by revving the motorcycle. Then the two zoomed off.  The two had been driving through the forest on a trail for a while now.

Keith halted his motorcycle, turning it off. Shiro stopped next to his and looks at him worriedly.

"Keith?" Shiro asked as the other alpha had his head perked up.

"I hear something." Keith pointed out, getting off his motorcycle.

"I don't hear anything."

"And smell."


Keith darted off into some trees, ignoring the protests of Shiro. He followed the smell and the sound. He was on high alert, trying to find the source.

And he did.

He saw a tan boy, leaning against the tree and huffing. He seemed out of breathe and he was barefoot.

"Hello?" Keith spoke up.

The boy snapped his head up, backing up but falling. Keith quickly grabbed the boy's arm, yanking him up before he fell.

The boy pushed himself away, "W-Who are you?"

"I'm Keith." Keith introduced, smelling distress pheromones emitting from the omega. "Are you ok?"


The boy winced at the voice in his head before shaking his head, "N-No."

The boy almost broke into tears, until Keith pulled him close, "Whats your name?"

"Lance." Lance hesitantly responded, keeping close to Keith.

"Ok, Lance." Keith smiled. "Could I take you back to my pack? We can help you there."

"N-No!" Lance backed away again. "I-I mean... I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be sorry." Keith insisted. "Can you tell me where you came from?"

Lance looked away, "I ran away from my pack... it wasn't safe. M-My inner omega told me something was wrong."

"Has it always been an iffy place?" Keith asked, earning a nod. "How long were you with them?"

"I'm not sure. More than a year... maybe." Lance replied quietly.

Keith sighed, "Were you... hurt there? Taken advantage of?"

Tears began to fall from Lance's eyes as he nodded. Keith's heart broke at the sight. He held his arms open and the omega slowly fell into them.

"My pack won't do that to you." Keith murmured. "We aren't those types of people. So will you come with me?"

It seemed to be about a minute before Lance nodded. Keith carefully picked him up, where his legs wrapped around his waist. Keith carries him back to the motorcycles, where Shiro stood there surprised.

Keith gave Shiro a look, before hopping on his motorcycle. He had his arms wrapped around the omega as he held the handles of the motorcycle. They quickly sped off.

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