Chapter 5

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Lance jerked up from his bed when he heard yelling from downstairs. Keith groaned and awoke. He got out of bed, stomping out the door and downstairs. Lance followed him.

"That's blackmail!" Hunk shouted.

"It's not! I just thought that it'd be a great way to embarrass Keith!" Pidge shouted back.

"Excuse me?" Keith asked from the bottom of the stairs. "What about embarrassing me?"

Pidge gulped and handed him a picture. This said picture was of Lance, Keith and Kosmo, sleeping together.

"You guys were fighting over this?" Keith asked.

"Hunk thought it was blackmail." Allura spoke up.

"Key word. Thought." Hunk added.

"You know what. I think we'll frame this." Keith spoke, turning to Lance. "You alright with that?"

Lance nodded and Romelle hooked arms with Keith, dragging him to the Kitchen, "So~ Keith."

"What do you want this time?" Keith questioned.

Romelle glanced at Allura, "Can we take Lance shopping for new clothes? We can get more frames for more pictures, too!"

"Romelle, I-" Keith was cut off, being pulled by Curtis.

Curtis cleared his throat, "What if we all went out?"

Keith furrowed his eyebrows, "Fine."

Everyone cheered. Hunk announced that he'll begin making breakfast, so Romelle and Allura dragged Lance off to change him into some clothes.

Hunk announced throughout the house that breakfast was ready. He set a pile of pancakes on the table and the bottles of syrup, with orange juice at everyone's spot.

Romelle and Allura dragged Lance down the stairs. They had dressed Lance in light colored jeans with a red sweatshirt and grey converse.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Keith inquired, pointing at the article of clothing.

"Isn't it cute?" Romelle asked. "It's a little oversized, but it's still good!"

Keith turned away with a red face, "Y-Yeah. It's good."

"Someone's flustered!" Curtis chirped.

"Shut up!" Keith shouted. "Let's just eat."

"I'll get a chair for Lance." Shiro informed, making his way down the hall.

Everyone sat in their usual seats. Shiro and Curtis at the head of the table. Coran, Romelle, and Hunk on the left side and Allura and Pidge on the right. Shiro sat the chair next to Keith's. He made sure Lance sat down, then patting both of their shoulders and going to his seat next to Curtis. Everyone stifled their laughs.

Keith and Lance looked at each other, only to quickly look away and have their faces turn bright red. That's when everyone broke out laughing.

After breakfast, everyone took an SUV to the city. Keith drove, with Shiro as the passenger. Allura and Romelle sat in the back, making sure Lance was in the middle of them. Hunk and Curtis sat in the third row. Coran and Pidge stayed at the house. Not having an interest in tagging along.

Lance snuggled into the sweatshirt he was wearing. He noticed it smelt like pumpkin spice and vanilla.

Shiro glanced behind him, noticing Lance. He nudged Keith, who looked curiously at the other alpha, who tilted his head towards Lance. Keith looked into the rear view mirror, seeing Lance. He smirked then looking back onto the road.

Keith turned down the radio and he parked in a parallel parking space. They arrived at the outside mall and Keith turned to look at everyone.

"You all can take Lance around for a little bit." Kieth informed. "I'm going to find a store."

Everyone got out of the car, splitting apart. Romelle, Allura, and Hunk took Lance to shop for clothes, Shiro and Curtis decided to go to a cafe. Which left Keith alone.

He decided to head out his way. He walked down the streets, passing multiple shops that held items in the windows, showing off the many items they sold. He entered the shop he was looking for. He bought a shirt he liked and walked out of the store. He saw the girls, Hunk and Lance walking down the street across from him. He decided to join them, which made Lance's face light up.

As they walked and talked, Lance looked up at Keith. He gulped, then looking at Keith's hand, which he decided to grab. Keith snapped his head at Lance, only to give him a smile and intertwine his fingers with him. Curtis and Shiro joined the group next.

Yes, they've only known each other for a day and the Alpha and omega clearly had a thing for each other. Shiro knew it was love at first sight when he saw Keith's mood change when he brought Lance.

"We got a bunch of clothes for Lance." Allura announced. "We'll help him put them away when we get home."

"Thank you ladies." Keith thanked.

Curtis hummed, "We heading home now?" Everyone nodded. "Race you then!"

Everyone squealed as Curtis charged away from them. Shiro was quick after him, and Hunk followed too. Romelle hopped on Allura's back, and they charged after them. Lance and Keith ran too, until Keith swooped Lance up into his arms, playfully slinging him on his shoulders behind his neck.

Then he charged after his pack.

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