Chapter 11

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Lance gulped, "W-What's out there?"

"Lotor." Pidge bluntly stated, covering the windows with the curtains and double checking the locks on the door. "Go get Keith and the others, now!"

Lance scurried up the steps, running into Keith's room, "Keith! K-Keith! He's outside."

"What? Who?" Keith asked.

Before Lance could speak, a loud Yelp was heard downstairs and wood breaking. Curtis ran out of his room, as well as Romelle and Hunk. That's when it hit Keith.

"What's going on?" Curtis asked.

"Lotor found us. Go help Pidge!" Keith demanded.

The three nodded, scrambling down the stairs.

Keith turned to Lance, "I want you to hide in your room ok? My goal is to make sure they don't get you. You yell if someone's got you, ok?"

Keith planted a kiss on Lance's forehead. Lance sniffled and went to his room, hiding in his closet. He could hear fighting downstairs. It died down but he then heard shuffling outside the closet. He held his breath and the shuffling stopped, but he could tell the person was still there. The door ended up bursting open, revealing Lotor.

Lance gasped, "S-Stay away!"

"Oh, but sweetheart. That's no way to talk to your alpha." Lotor protested, nearing the omega.

"Your not my alpha." Lance spat.

Lance was thrown outside the closet. He scurried up and tried reaching for the door.

Lotor grabbed him by the arm, "We cant have you doing that, now can we?"

Soon enough Lotor had Lance held down on his bed. Lotor's hand was wrapped around his throat. His other hand held Lance's wrists. Lance wiggles under his grasp And started crying when Lotor wouldn't budge.

"Don't cry, sweetheart." Lotor cooed.

"Let me go." Lance rasped.

Lotor scoffed, "Why would I? An omega like you should be with an alpha like me." He paused and smirked. "Besides, I don't think Keith is suited for you."

"How did you find our house?" Lance asked darkly.

"I know your scent pretty well, sweetheart." Lotor chuckled, leaning his face down towards his neck. "So bare."

Lance tried wiggling under his grasp again, before starting to shout, "Keith!"

Lotor growled and Lance started flailing his legs, trying to kick Lotor away, which worked. Lance quickly got up and ran for the door, yanking it open and running down the hall and stairs.

The boy stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his pack held down on the ground. He was pushed to the ground, by Lotor. He yelped, grabbing onto his side and biting his lip.

"It was very clever of you to hide him, Keith." Lotor chuckled, looking at the other alpha. "But it wasn't good enough."

Keith growled as Zethrid held him down. Pidge was knocked out, Kosmo laid limp, and Curtis, Hunk and Romelle were also being held down.

Keith huffed, "You better leave him alone or else!"

Lotor grabbed Lance by the hair and pulled him up, which Lance grabbed onto Lotor's hand to try and pull away, "Or else what? Your silly little threats don't scare me. He was mine in the first place."

"You only had him to please you!" Keith shouted.

Lotor scoffed, "That's all omegas are needed for."

"That's not true." Hunk piped up, being hit in the head.

"You all are imbeciles." Lotor chuckled.

"Is there any negotiation we can arrange?" Romelle questioned.

Lotor scoffed, "I was only here to get the omega. You thieves should be grateful you aren't dead."

"Your going to regret this." Keith growled.

Lotor rolled his eyes and smirked, "Will I though? Last I checked I wasn't the one being held down."

"In the end your only going to fail." Curtis spat. "When the other half of our pack comes back-"

"So much confidence!" Lotor boomed. "Knock them out."

The three struggled against the grips, as Lance struggled against Lotor's.

"Keith!" Lance cried out. "I don't want to go with him. I don't want to go, please, I don't want to go."

"Lance." Keith replied. "Lance it'll be alright, I promise!"

Lotor chuckled, "Alright, Alright. Hurry up."

The struggling of the others stopped when they were whacked upside the head.

"N-" Lance went to scream but it was quickly muffled by Lotor's hand.

Lance cried, trying to rip Lotor's hands away from him and kicking his legs about.

"Sir, what do we do about them?" Ezor asked, pointing to the unconscious bodies.

"Well half the pack is failing to comprehend this situation. This half is weak, just leave them there." Lotor ordered.

They all filed out of the room and Lotor forcibly picked Lance up by his hair and let go of him, "If you fail to come with us, I will not hesitate to hurt Keith. Understand?" Lance rubbed his side and nodded. "Good boy, lets get going shall we?"

Lotor gently rubbed Lance's cheek with his thumb, which Lance instantly cringed at. He grabbed a hold of Lance's hand and pulled Lance out the door, leaving his unconscious pack behind.

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