Chapter 6

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It was early next morning. Everyone was still asleep except for Keith. He was getting ready to head out on a motorcycle ride. He went through the hall, peeking in everyone's door to find them asleep. He entered Curtis and Shiro's room, nudging Shiro.

Shiro groggily woke up, rubbing his eyes, "What's up?"

"Letting you know I'm headed out." Keith spoke.

"Where?" Shiro asked.

"Just for a ride." Keith replied.

Shiro hummed and turned over on his side, going back to sleep. Keith closed their door as he left. There was one person he has yet to check on.

That was Lance.

He creaked open the door and peeked his head in, seeing the omega asleep. He walked in, going to the bed. With closer inspection, he saw Kosmo was laying on Lance's other side.

Keith pet Kosmo's side, whispering, "Good boy." Before he left the room.

He took his time to get outside. He hopped on his motorcycle, giving it a good rev before he sped off. He drove through the forest, swerving under and around trees and jumping overgrown roots.

He came out of the forest, entering a street that lined a neighborhood. There weren't many houses and they were all spread apart from each other. He kept driving down the road, deciding to take a break on a bench in a small park.

Keith sat there, leaning his head back as he let the wind blow through his hair. He listened to the birds chirp and the leaves of trees rustle in the wind.
Then he heard footsteps. Something didn't seem right, and it wasn't. He knew the voices that emitted in the air and decided to listen.

"How much longer of searching?" Ezor groaned.

Lotor huffed, "Not until we find my omega."

"We might as well give up on the damn thing." Zethrid snapped.

"Well someone won't let us!" Axcea shouted.

"Just shut up!" Lotor growled. "I'm not going home just because you three want to give up on the search."

"It was your fault he got away." Zethrid pointed out.

Lotor sighed, "I think I know that."

The four left, still arguing. Keith got up and hopped on his motorcycle and drove off. He got a call and tapped the screen of his motorcycle. A line appeared and started moving like a sound wave when someone talked.

"Keith, where are you?" Shiro asked urgently.

Keith looked at his gps, "Not to far from the house, why?"

"Get over here now." Shiro demanded. "It's Lance."

Keith narrowed his eyes and he sped up his motorcycle. After a good couple of minutes he arrived, parking his motorcycle and dashing inside. He heard commotion upstairs and he knew thats where to go. He rushed to Lance's room, seeing that Lance was being held by Curtis as he was sobbing.

"What's going on?" Keith spoke up above everyone.

"We asked Krolia if she could come to help, but she's busy." Coran informed him. "She said that Lance could be having a panic attack."

Keith furrowed his eyebrows, moving towards the bed that Curtis held Lance in. He sat down and Curtis adjusted Lance into Keith's lap.

"Please leave the room." Keith pleaded.

Everyone gave him a pitiful look before leaving the room.

Keith rubbed Lance's back, which seemed to calm the omega down. Lance inhaled sharply before letting that breath out calmly. Keith just rocked the him back and forth, continuing to rub his back. When Lance calmed down Keith looked into his red puffy eyes.

"Hey." Keith spoke softly. "Are you ok now?" Lance nodded. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Lance nodded again, "It's just... I-I... I dropped s-something, and I t-thought I'd be in trouble..."

Keith just listened to Lance talk, until he stopped and went silent. He looked down to Lance, seeing that he was smiling softly and holding gently onto Keith's arm.

"Thank you." Lance mumbled, wiping his eyes.

Keith chuckled, "For what?"

"Everything!" Lance exclaimed. "You and everyone, you've all helped me so much these past three days and-"

Keith snorted and began to laugh. Lance looked up at him with a curious look.

"You're cute." Keith blurted out.

"W-What?" Lance asked.

"You heard me." Keith chuckled.

Lance pushed Keith away from him, who just flopped on the bed, "You're weird."

Keith fake pouted, "Rude." He pulled Lance down, to where Lance was now laying next to him.

"You two act like love birds." Pidge blurted out from the doorway.

The two jolted up and both asked at the same time, "When did you get here?"

"A while ago." Pidge laughed. "Back to my statement."

Keith snorted, wrapping an arm around Lance's waist, "What if we are love birds?"

"That'd be cool." Pidge smiled. "Reminds me of Curtis and Shiro, 'love at first sight'"

Lance looked at Keith, then back to Pidge, "Maybe that saying is true."

Keith's face turned bright red and he looked at Lance, who just smiled at Pidge.

Pidge laughed, "Wow, Keith. Your showing your soft spot for once."

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