Chapter 24

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Romelle and Allura told Keith of Lance's whereabouts. The alpha gathered an article of clothing from everyone and made his way to Lance's room.

"Lance?" Keith entered quietly, shutting the door behind him. Lance perked up warily, whining. The alpha held out the articles of clothing. "Here, I brought this for your nest."

Lance was filled with joy, looking like a little kid who just got the Nintendo Switch for his birthday. He sniffed each article of clothing before incorporating it in his nest. He took a big whiff of the sweatshirt that belonged to Keith, sliding it over his head and adorned it.

The alpha chuckled, sitting down in the nest with Lance and cupping his face with his hands. The omega purred, crawling closer to Keith. He tried to contain himself as Lance's scent filled the room. He wrapped his arms around the omega's waist and pulling him into his lap. He leaned his head into the crook of Lance's neck and breathed in his scent even more.

Mark now.

"You alright?" Keith asked, clearing his throat.

Lance nodded, panting a bit, "It's hot~."

"Then take off the sweatshirt." Keith chuckled.

"No~!" Lance whined.

"What if I got you one of my tank tops and blankets?" Keith asked. "When your cold, you'll have something that smells like me to snuggle in."

Lance hummed with a nod. Keith carefully placed Lance off his lap, going to his room and grabbing one of his blankets and tank tops. When he came back, Lance was already taking off his own shirt. The alpha locked the door, already feeling more of the urge to pounce on the omega.

Keith sat back down, handing Lance the black tank top. Lance became ecstatic and pulled it on, then being handed the blanket. The alpha pulled the omega back on his lap, playfully kissing his neck.

The omega laughed, pushing Keith's head away, "T-That tickles."

"Thanks for letting me know." Keith said with a smirk, continuing his actions. He trailed his kisses up to his nose, Lance giggling all the way. "I want to mark you."

"Then go for it." Lance panted, showing his neck more.

Keith's inner alpha tried to make him pounce but instead he just quickly planted his lips against Lance's. They parted for breathe and Lance was squirming around, his skin now feeling sensitive. The alpha pinned him to the ground and began licking Lance's scent glands.

He took a good look at the omega, who seemed to be enjoying the attention. He smirked biting down at the juncture between the neck and shoulder. Lance leaned up a bit, doing the same to Keith.

<Yeah so I'm not about to write smut 😂. But it's CLEAR AS DAY what happened after. So without further ado... have a good day/night>

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