Chapter 31

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"Let us see the pup!" Romelle and Curtis whined.

Keith growled, standing protectively in front of Lance and the pup. It was two days later they were emitted from the hospital with the baby. Allura had waited for them, coming back to the house every so often before bringing them home.

Lance held their child, who was swaddled in the warm blanket, closely. He knew the pack well, yes, but his inner omega became very protective of the life he birthed.

"Give them some space, guys." Shiro chuckled out, pulling the two backwards.

The betas pouted and Pidge waltzed down the stairs, "Oh, you guys are back!"

Keith gave her a nod and guided Lance, who gave everyone a sleepy smile, up the stairs. They went to the nursery to put their child safely in the crib, even if their inner omega and alpha screamed no.


Many months passed and the mates waited as they watched their precious pup, Luna, blink her eyes open. They smiled widely as she looked between the two, blue eyes darting from left to right. She had Keith's upturned eye-shape and Lance's color.

She reached out with her two small hands, babbling. The mates held their pointer fingers out, which the infant latched onto.

Curtis entered the room quietly, taking photos of the family with a grin before leaving. Lance chuckled, planting a kiss to Luna's head.

"Hey, what about me?" Keith pouted.

"Ba ga ga." Luna babbled, her hand reaching to Keith's face.

Keith smirked, "You want to give me a kiss?"

Lance snorted at the two as Keith planted some kisses to their child's face.


10 more months had passed and currently every resident of the house was surrounding the family. Keith was squatted on the floor, holding his hands out to the pup. Lance was barely holding onto Luna's hands as she tried to walk towards her other father.

"You got this Luna girl!" Romelle cheered and Allura whistled slightly.

Pidge recorded the whole thing, snorting at Luna's expressions, "Clearly she has Keith's stubborn attitude."

Keith scoffed, "My stubborn attitude isn't that-"

"I wouldn't say that." Lance mumbled, earning another scoff and laughs from everyone.

"Ba!" Luna yelled, falling into Keith's arms.

Everyone cheered as Keith picked her up and swung her around. He then grabbed Lance with his other arm, holding both his omega and child in each arm.


"Ma-" Luna huffed.

Lance grabbed Keith's arm, yanking him over, "She's-She's trying to-"


"Mama." Keith said slowly, pointing to Lance, then pointing to himself. "Dada."

"Ama." Luna babbled.

"Mama." Lance said softly.

"Mama." Luna repeated, clapping her hands with a laugh when Keith and Lance cheered.

Keith pointed to himself again, "Dada?"

"Da-" Luna licked her lips. "Da... Dada!"

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