Chapter 27

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Months had passed for the pack. Everything was perfect, in their eyes of course. Krolia was ecstatic that Keith and Lance were mates and Lance was more in contact with his brother and sisters.

Currently the sun was just rising, which meant it was very early in the morning. The sky was still a bit dark but was being lit by the fiery ball.

Lance blinked his eyes open, making a noise of dissatisfaction. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, feeling nauseous and sweaty. His skin tingled when he felt a hand rub his back.

"Lance?" Keith groggily asked. "Are you having a heat wave? Are you ok? What's wrong?"

"I-" Lance paused as he felt something come up his throat.

The omega booked it to the bathroom, slamming the door shut as he fell to his knees in front of the toilet. He let whatever came up his throat out and trembled at the loss of whatever he just vomited. A knock was at the bathroom door and he just whimpered. Keith walked in, kneeling at his side.

The alpha made comforting circles with his hand on Lance's back, "Let it. It's okay."

The two were in the bathroom for a good 12 minutes, letting Lance puke whatever out. Even after that, they stayed there, leaning against the wall. Lance was shaking from the sickness and his stomach felt empty.

"Come here." Keith quietly demanded as he held out his arms. Lance fell into them, now sitting on his alpha's lap and panting. "You feeling better?"

"Kind of..." Lance breathed out.

Keith went to wrap his arms around Lance's waist to hold him better. In doing so, his arm grazed the omega's stomach, who in which whined and covered his stomach in a protecting manner. The alpha became confused at that movement, and so did Lance in his own actions. He stared down at the omega's stomach. The scent in the air seemed off and his inner alpha screamed.


Keith situated his gaze upon Lance's eyes, "Lance, do you think your-"

"Pregnant?" They both finished the sentence.

"I-" Lance cleared his throat and fiddled with his fingers. "I think."

"Do you want to go get a pregnancy test?" Keith asked.

The omega nodded quietly and the two got up from the floor. Since the months had passed, Lance was now sleeping in Keith's room. The bedroom was very lively, yet dark themed. The bedding was red, and it was an birch color, along with any other furniture. The curtains were red as well while there were pictures and small souvenirs on the shelves.

They changed into sweats and fluffy jackets, since the season had now changed to winter. They put boots on and went to Keith's motorcycle. It was a quick trip. Into town and out before anyone woke. Soon enough they were back home and Lance was biting his fingernails as he waited for the pregnancy test to finish the results alone in the bathroom.

When he checked, he instantly cried. Positive. That's all he could think of in that moment, positive. He was excited, so he ran out of the bathroom, jumping up and down, and holding the pregnancy test out to the alpha.

Keith grabbed the test, not believing his eyes, "I-I'm going to be a dad?"

Lance nodded his head fast, wiping away his ugly tears, "W-We're gonna be a family. With a p-pup."

The alpha whooped and picked Lance up into his arms bridal style. He spun around happily as the omega hung on around his neck giddily. The pack was watching from the doorway, having been woken up from their laughing. They knew the news, having been their long enough, and smiled at the two.

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