Chapter 10

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It was very early the next morning. No one was up except for Lance and Keith.

Well, Lance was sort of awake.

Keith was on a video call with Shiro. Lance was sitting in his lap, leaning his head in the crook of Keith's neck, breathing in his scent. Lance still had his side wrapped, but was wearing a long sleeve shirt and some sort of short shorts.

"So explain to me why you guys left." Keith demanded.

"Krolia needs help. So Kolivan grabbed Coran, Allura, and myself to go." Shiro explained.

"Why not me? She is my mother." Keith replied.

Shiro shrugged, "He didn't want you to stress. And you need to stay with Lance."

"Speaking of Lance." Keith spoke softly after sighing, glancing at the omega. "Him and I ran into Lotor yesterday."

"What?" Shiro responded, a hint of anger.

"He tried to take Lance. Well, Lance stepped in front of me, but I attacked Lotor, who also attacked and Lance got in the crossfire." Keith explained. "Good thing he only got clawed."

Shiro sighed, "I knew you shouldn't have left the house."

"You told me so." Keith replied bluntly. "And I apologize."

"I forgive you." Shiro spoke. "So what else is going on?"

"Nothing much. Everyone else is asleep." Keith informed. "Lance didn't want to leave my side so I told him he could come with me into the office."

Shiro hummed, then looking off to the side, nodding, and looking back at the camera. "Well, Hey. I need to go. Today and tomorrow we will be gone. Stay safe."

Keith nodded, "You too."

Then the call ended. Keith swiveled a little in his chair. It was still early in the morning. Keith turned in his chair when he heard feet padding around in the kitchen. He got up, picking up the sleeping Lance, and went to the living room. He sat him down on the couch and went to the kitchen to see Hunk preparing breakfast.

"Morning Hunk." Keith greeted, helping the beta get out what he needed.

"Good morning Keith!" Hunk greeted back. "How's Lance?"

"He's better." Keith replied. "He didn't sleep well last night."

"We figured that." Hunk spoke.

Keith constantly glanced over at Lance while he helped Hunk. By the time they were finished, everyone else was up. Romelle woke Lance up and they all went to the dining table to eat.

Today was one of those lazy days. Currently they were eating in their pajamas.

"So I was thinking we could clean the house today." Keith blurted out.

Pidge laughed, "Don't expect me to help."

"Your going to help wether you like it or not." Curtis replied.

Keith nodded, "I talked to shiro this morning. Mom isn't doing so well."

"Don't worry, Keith. She's a fighter." Romelle spoke. "So, Lance. How are you feeling?"

Lance just shrugged, staring at the wall. Hunk stood up and began to collect everyone's dishes. Everyone stayed in their pajamas as they cleaned. Lance was not allowed to help because of his wound, so he sat on the couch. Even though his omega instincts told him to help, he stayed there with his knees hugged to his chest.

Pidge jumped over the back of the couch and plopped next to Lance, "What's up?"

"Thought you had to help clean?" Lance replied.

Pidge shrugged, "Keith said as long as my room is clean I don't have to help with the rest. It took a while, but surprisingly I can see my floor now."

Lance chuckled, "Is it nice to have these type of days?"

"Yeah." Pidge informed, leaning back. "We get the cleaning done and then spend the rest doing nothing." Lance nodded with a smile, understanding. Pidge hopped up and went to the pantry. "Want anything?"

"No thank you." Lance responded.

Pidge nodded. She grabbed a pack of crackers and plopped back on the couch with Lance. Upstairs they could hear the vacuum whirring as well as Romelle yelling at Kosmo.

"Do I need to clean my room?" Lance asked.

"Nope. It's actually already clean." Pidge stated. "It's probably because you always sleep with Keith."

Lance blushed madly, "You didn't have to point that out."

Pidge snorted, shoving a cracker in her mouth, "There's nothing wrong with it. You two love each other."

"Yeah." Lance mumbled, hiding his face in his hands.

Pidge poked his arm, "Also this shirt is huge on you."

"It's not my fault I'm slender." Lance protested. "Besides, he's more muscular than I could ever be."

"He's not that muscular." Pidge snorted once again.

Lance laughed, Pidge joining with him.

Their laughter soon stopped when the door handle wiggles. Lance and Pidge shot their gazes towards the door.

Pidge stood up slowly, walking to the door and peeking outside the window that was next to it. She gasped and backed up.

"L-Lance, get the others." Pidge spoke, in a hushed tone.

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