Epilogue 2

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"Wake up!" Luna whined, pounding on her father's chest. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Luna, stop." Keith groaned, rolling over.


Lance perked up, winking at the young alpha. She quieted herself, nodding as the omega rolled over and wrapped his arms around his alpha.

Keith hummed, soft breathes leaving his lips. The peace didn't last for long, though. Lance kicked him off the bed, Luna taking his place. The two giggled as the alpha stood up.

"Merry Christmas, honey." Lance cooed at his mate. "And Merry Christmas, baby girl."

Lance kissed her on her temple and she smiled, "It's time to open presents!"

"Nope!" Keith exclaimed, grabbing his daughter and slinging her wailing body over his shoulders. "Cinnamon rolls, then presents."

Luna groaned as she was carried to the living room and then dumped onto the couch. Kosmo jumped up to her, sitting and watching as Lance walked out of the bedroom. Keith heated up pre-made cinnamon rolls and smeared icing on top of them. He brought them over each a cinnamon roll, standing by Lance who was eating his cinnamon roll.

"Done!" Luna yelled, jumping off the couch, putting her plate into the sink and running back to her parents. "Present time!"

"Ok, ok." Lance chuckled.

The omega squatted by the green tree, pulling out presents that were from him to Keith and Luna. The female alpha got some makeup, after Lance figured out she'd been experimenting with it at a friend's house, and he also got her a necklace with a ruby on the end of it, since she liked the color red. Keith then received a black watch and a mug with a red painted lion on it.

"My turn!" Luna exclaimed, clipping the necklace around her neck and scrambling off the couch.

She handed her parents one big box, which was pretty heavy. The alpha and omega sat on the floor, Lance leaning his head against his shoulder. Keith took the job of opening the box, the other perking up at the sight.

It was a glass looking heart, and etched in it was another heart that said 'family.' Well there were four puzzle piece patterns (like the heart was the puzzle) and in each piece was their names: Keith, Lance, Luna, and Kosmo.

"Baby, this is beautiful!" Lance squealed, scooting over to her and wrapping her in a hug.

Keith held it up, "How'd you get this?"

"Shiro and Curtis helped me!" The young alpha replied, hugging Lance back with a giggle. "Do you guys like it?"

"Oh we love it!" Keith reassured her, standing and placing the glass heart onto the shelf carefully. "But now you need to open my gift."

Luna sat next to Lance as she was handed a big wrapped box. Keith handed Lance two boxes, or well one really badly wrapped one and a nice one. The badly wrapped one was a weighted purple blanket and the other was black high top vans.

The omega beamed up at him, reaching up to kiss him on the lips. Keith got on his knees, pulling Lance to him and holding him as they watched their daughter open her box.

"No way." Luna breathed out, quickly unwrapping the Nintendo switch.

"What the fuck?" Lance choked on air, looking to Keith. "You didn't tell me about this!"

Keith shrugged, "Surprise?"

Luna crashed into them, all three tumbling backwards onto the ground, "You guys are the best!"

"Is it only because he got you a switch?" Lance questioned.

"Psh, no!" Luna exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure." Keith chuckled. "'Psh, no' my ass."

Luna perked up, "No, seriously! I love you guys and I'm really thankful for the gift. Wether I got it or not, you are the best there will ever be!"

<Happy Holidays!

Long time no see :)
Thought I'd make another epilogue for Christmas and do a shameless plug-
But we'll get to that later!

I want to thank you all for the support and involvement of growth for this book, and I wouldn't be writing if it weren't for y'all. So a Merry Christmas, and a happy holiday to each and everyone of  you.


I am no writing a new Klance story.
So introducing-
Drum roll please-
Paradise 0!

So introducing-Drum roll please-Paradise 0!

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"The world is in catastrophe. One night everyone is partying, and the next their fending for their lives against what they though to only be possible in movies.

The dead have risen, and America has shut down. Military Personnel have been unheard of, and everyone must fend for themselves.

It was supposed to be spring break. Two boys bonding on a trip, ready to head back to college while the rest have already done their travels and arrived back on campus.

But sometimes things need to be shaken up a bit."

Welp, there you have it. You can check it out on my profile :)

Love y'all very very much!
Keep smiling and never forget to be yourself and be the best you can be!>

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