Chapter 15

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Lance blinked his eyes open. He didn't feel any kind of pain so he sat up and rubbed his head. Lotor was on the couch, reading a book.

The alpha glanced up, and set his book down. He went over to Lance, cupping his face. The omega made some sort of purring noise and leaned into his hand. Something in the back of his head told him it wasn't right, but he pushed the feeling away.

"How's the pain?" Lotor asked with a big grin.

Lance hummed, "I don't feel anything, but-"


"But what?" Lotor asked, quirking an eyebrow up.


"I-I have a headache." Lance muttered.

Lotor nodded, "It's just your heat being held off at the moment. Let me get you some breakfast and pain medicine." Then he left the room.

Lance looked around, finding a mirror on the wall. He pushed himself up from the bed and went over to it. He tilted his head, looking at the mark.

To him, it didn't look right. Usually a mark would swell, yes, but his stuck out like a sore thumb. It was bruised, almost black and infected looking.

Lotor came back in and Lance looked to him. The alpha stared at the visible mark and growled. "Your rejecting it."

Lance was taken aback, "I-I am?"

"Darling, who am I to you?" Lotor darkly asked.

"Y-Your my a-alpha." Lance stuttered out. "W-Why is my m-mark like this?"

Lotor huffed, "Your rejecting my mark!"

Not alpha.

"I rather die than be yours."

Lance backed up, tripping over his own feet and falling. Lotor leaned down to him, slightly grabbing his neck.

"What's it saying?" Lotor asked, referring to his inner omega.

Lance sucked in a breath, but his neck was grabbed onto tighter, "That your n-not alpha."

"Ignore it's words." Lotor demanded. "It only tells you lies."


"R-Really?" Lance coughed out.

Lotor let go of Lance and pulled him up, "Really."


"Why haven't we started moving?!" Keith screamed out his question.

Curtis sighed, "Keith, think rationally. We need to eat."

"But if we take our time, the longer Lance is stuck with him!" Keith cried out. "Do you not care?"

"K-Keith of course we-" Curtis was cut off.

Shiro got into Keith's face, "Listen to us, Keith." He growled lowly. "Your not helping the problem by acting like this."

"And your not helping the problem in general." Keith growled back, shoving him away from him.

Shiro held his breathe, trying to keep his cool, "Fine. Go do whatever you want."

"Shiro dont-" Curtis was interrupted again.

"Good idea." Keith spat, grabbing his jacket and hopping on his motorcycle.

He revved the engine and sped off, leaving the couple behind. Curtis slapped Shiro's arm, who whimpered in response.

"You two are idiots!" Curtis screamed.

Shiro stuttered, "I-I-"

"You let him go off on his own, in his own thoughts." Curtis pointed out. "He's going to go feral because you couldn't keep your cool!"

"I didn't mean-"

"Shut it, Shiro! He's basically your brother. You should know how to help him. He's going through a hard time as an alpha right now and you can't understand his point of view cause your stuck in your own!" Curtis cried.

"Curtis, I-"

"Let's try to find him."

The beta walked off to their motorcycle, hopping on the back of it and waiting. Shiro hesitantly got on the front and started it, speeding off into the forest.

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