Comment your questions

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Author: Hi guys!! Please comment your questions down below and ask them what you want to ask. You can ask them about their adventures, their life, ask them individual questions, or maybe if they have a crush on each other or-
Ocellus: Uhh.. Crush??
Sandbar: You mean if we like each other?
Smolder: I'm having a bad feeling about this. Random author, what are you up to????
Author: Uhh... Gotta go. Bye!!!
Gallus: Hey wait-
*Author leaves*
Gallus: Oh well, you heard him guys. Just ask us anything.
Silverstream: Um, Gallus? The author's a girl.
Yona: Yona and hippogriff asked name and gender a while ago.
Gallus: WELL HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT???!!! You two are the only ones who know her.
Ocellus: Actually..Smolder, Sandbar and I know about her as well.
Sandbar: Yeah. You're the only one who should ask about her info
Gallus: Then can you atleast tell me her name?!
Smolder: Ask her once she gets back
Gallus: *facepalms himself* Fine

MLP: Ask the Young 6Where stories live. Discover now