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*Read if you want to. I'm not forcing you to read this but if you want to read this, go ahead.*

Hi everyone!! Its me, Random Author. As you all know, I haven't been continuing to write more parts for this Ask the Young 6 because I don't think I could be able to answer all the questions.

I really loved doing this book so much.... but I just feel like I wouldn't be able to answer so many of your questions and dares. That's why I want to discontinue this.

For the past few days, I've been receiving a lot more questions and dares and I don't mind. I just want to inform you guys that I will stop continuing this book.

I hope everyone understands and I'm really sorry. I'm actually really proud of this book cuz it literally was read and liked by so many people. If I remember, this book ranks #1 in young6 I think.

Don't worry, I'll still write some mlp fanfic for you guys and if you want, I made an MLP Young 6 book so you can go ahead and read it.

Like I said, I'll be discontinuing this book but I hope you understand.

Thank you so much for the support and I really appreciate it<3


-Random Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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