Part 12

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Silverstream: Queen Chrysalis didn't told you what to do.
Ocellus: Through what I remember, I don't think so.
Sandbar: Speaking of Queen Chrysalis, if King Sombra is back, won't that mean that Tirek, Queen Chrysalis might back?!
Young 6: *looks at Author*
Author: Possible. Somecreature must have brought them back to strike Equestria.
Smolder: But if somecreature released Tirek from Tartarus, they might have released Cozy Glow!
Author and the Young 6: *gasps*
Gallus: And speaking of Cozy Glow, there's a question all about her.
Yona: Yona hate cozy pony!!
Author: Everycreature hates her, Yona.
Silverstream: What does it say, Gallus??
Gallus: It says:

Silverstream: It feels AMAZING!!! We actually felt like we were heroes!Ocellus: And graduates from the School of Friendship

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Silverstream: It feels AMAZING!!! We actually felt like we were heroes!
Ocellus: And graduates from the School of Friendship.
Sandbar: But Headmare Twilight said that we have to take more than just one semester to learn all about friendship.
Smolder: But we're ok with it, we just hope that Cozy Glow isn't released from Tartarus.
Ocellus: But there's a huge possible chance she will.
Author: Ocellus is right, if King Sombra is back, then somecreature must have helped them bring back their magic and escape.
Silverstream: You're saying that all the villains that Headmare Twilight and her friends face will be back??!! Even the Storm king?!!!!??! *hyperventilating*
Gallus: Calm down Silverstream, its ok. He won't be coming back, he was defeated in stone and was shattered all over the place.
Silverstream: You sure??
Gallus: *nods*
Silverstream: *sighs* thanks Gallus.
Yona: But why are villains back??
Ocellus: According to Equestrian history in Headmare Twilight's class, they weren't really defeated.
Sandbar: Yeah, they were only defeated by the elements of harmony, not died by the elements.
Author: Sandbar's correct, Cozy Glow were defeated by the six of you and was trapped in Tartarus but definitely not dead. Tirek's power was drained because of the elements of Harmony and trapped in Tartarus as well. Queen Chrysalis' first defeat was at Canterlot by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's love and power. Her second defeat was in the Changeling Hive but she escaped. For King Sombra...
Sandbar: It just make no sense.
Yona: What make no sense???
Gallus: He was defeated in the Crystal Empire by the Crystalling, but.....
Ocellus: King Sombra was actually defeated that time, how was he revived.
Silverstream: You don't think that the somecreature we were talking about has the power to revive villains, do you??
Smolder: It depends if they can do sorcery and has strong magic.
Sandbar: By the way, why are we all talking about villains than answering the question???
Author: Oh yeah... Anyways how does it feel to save your school????
Smolder: It feels like our friendship is magical. I mean, we were called by the tree of Harmony, and saved the school by the tree's help.
Sandbar: It feels like we actually can be heroes to save Equestria from monsters and other villains.
Yona: As long as friends are together, friendship is magic.
Gallus: Another deep message from Yona.
Ocellus: Thank you so much for your question @DrDragster688

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