Part 5

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Yona: Question says "How friends find wattpad??"
Author: Uhh... What??
Yona: Look

 What??Yona: Look

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Sandbar: Oohh... Its asking "how did we find wattpad?"
Yona: Sandbar correct
Smolder: Well its basically obvious. It was because of Random Author.
Author: Actually, it was my idea to create a Q&A in wattpad.
Silverstream: Oohh... I remember. While it was the weekend, we went to Sandbar's room so that he can show us some cool stuff on the internet.
Gallus: Then he showed us this website called Wattpad and said that its where we can read online stories from other creatures.
Yona: Then, friends met Random Author who is a human and requested for Q&A about friends.
Ocellus: Although, how did we met Random Author??
Author: We met at wattpad
Sandbar: Oh yeah, and then she let us stayed at her house on weekends.
Ocellus: Well, I hope that answers your question -_Rainbow_Dash-_
Gallus: Well that was some short answering. Is there another question??
Author: Yup! So who wants to read it??
Smolder: I wanna read!!
Author: Ok Smolder!!
Smolder: So it says here:

 Is there another question??Author: Yup! So who wants to read it??Smolder: I wanna read!! Author: Ok Smolder!!Smolder: So it says here:

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Author: Now this sounds interesting. Who do we start??
Yona: Yona have idea! *gets a bottle*
Silverstream: What's with the bottle, Yona?? We're not playing truth or dare.
Yona: Yak not planning to play truth or dare, but yak planning in playing like truth or dare.
Author: Ooohh... You mean spin the bottle??
Yona: Yes!
Smolder: But who de we start?
Gallus: How about Yona? She planned on doing spin the bottle for this question.
Author: First, you have to all have to sit on the floor in a circle before you start.
Yona: Yak go first. *spins the bottle and points it to Sandbar*
Yona: 3 words?
Author: Yup! Just 3 words
Silverstream: How about you join us, Random Author?
Author: Well its only for you guys to describe each other.
Ocellus: Hmm... How about if we ever spin the bottle and it points to you, we won't describe you but you will spin the bottle so you can describe one of us??
Author: Thats actually sounds like a great idea. *sits down on the floor* Ok Yona, start describing Sandbar in 3 words.
Yona: Hmmm....
Sandbar: ???
Yona: Yona describes Sandbar caring, loyal, trustworthy friend!!
Sandbar: Aww.. Thanks Yona!*spins bottle and it to Ocellus*
Author and the Young 6: Ooohhh...
Sandbar: *nervous laugh* I can describe you as sweet, smart and cute. *blushes*
Ocellus: Thank you, Sandbar! *blushes and spins the bottle and points it to Silverstream* Wow, describing you is way to easy.
Silverstream: What makes you say that??
Ocellus: Well... You're always positive, energetic and of course caring and you always show it everyday. So I'll descri-
Smolder: Umm, Ocellus? You already described her in 3 words. Positive, energetic and caring.
Ocellus: Really? *nervous laugh* I guess I didn't notice.
Silverstream: Thank you, Ocellus. I guess it is kin of obvious, now its my turn to spin! *spins the bottle and points it to Gallus*
Author: *whispers to Sandbar* There are so many coincidences that's happening right now.
Sandbar: *whispers to Author* I know right?
Silverstream: Hmm.. I describe you as...
Gallus: *blushes*
Silverstream: Caring, smart, and sarcastic. I didn't want to say rude because I already said caring.
Gallus: Thanks Silverstream! *spins the bottle and points it to Yona*
Yona: Wonder what Gallus will describe Yona.
Gallus: I describe you as strong, caring and understanding.
Yona: Yona take that as a compliment.
Gallus: It is a compliment.
Smolder: Wait, but Yona already spin and she can't just describe again.
Ocellus: Maybe Random Author can describe you, Smolder!
Sandbar: Yeah! That sounds like a great idea.
Smolder: So I won't describe anycreature??
Gallus: I don't think so
Author: So I'll describe Smolder??
Young 6: Yup!
Author: Hmmm *smirks*
Smolder: Oh no, she's smirking!!
Author: I describe you as a kind-hearted, tough and cute dragon since you like being cute.
Smolder: *blushes while rolling eyes and smiling* Well, thanks. I can't believe you aren't over with the cute thing.
Author: Why would I? Its unforgettable to forget. Anyways, thank you so much for the question djcj132019 
Gallus: First of all, can we please talk about the part where you like cute silly stuff?
Ocellus: Well, it all started in the catacombs...
Smolder: Ugh, here we go again.

*As always, thank you for reading this book and I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to comment down below your question to the Young 6*

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