Part 18

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Gallus: Anyways, the next question, I mean dare says:

Gallus: Anyways, the next question, I mean dare says:

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Yona: Sounds like dare is for dragon.
Smolder: It does sound like for me. But don't worry, doesn't seem like Garble will even be arriving at Ponyville but I'll still do the dare just in case if he ever does.
Silverstream: Who's Garble??
Smolder: He's a jerk and teases young dragons like me and Spike.
Author: Were you teased by Garble too??
Smolder: Always. Its good to have Garble out of my sight.
Gallus: But how are you even gonna hypnotize him to do a hamster dance???
Ocellus: I found this book in our library on how to hypnotize any creature.
Author: There's a book like that??
Sandbar: I didn't even know our library had a book like that.
Ocellus: None of us actually never learned that there was a book about this but there is.
Smolder: I gues that can be handy soon, thanks for the question @DrDragster688
Ocellus: The next question says:

Smolder: I gues that can be handy soon, thanks for the question @DrDragster688Ocellus: The next question says:

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Author: Well we just reacted to "Cupcakes" and I took a little picture of the Young 6 being scared of it

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Author: Well we just reacted to "Cupcakes" and I took a little picture of the Young 6 being scared of it.
Gallus: Please don't tell me you're gonna show it to them.
Ocellus: Well we have to show it to them, Gallus.
Silversteam: Yeah, so they can see that we also watched it.
Author: Here's the photo I took a while ago:

Yona: Yona wants to move on to next question, Yona thought we get over "Cupcakes"Author: So sorry, Yona

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Yona: Yona wants to move on to next question, Yona thought we get over "Cupcakes"
Author: So sorry, Yona. I didn't mean for anything like that to happen. I promise. Thank you for the question JacobNicholasSkoczen
Gallus: How about we just move on to the next question??
Author: Sure, the next question says:

Smolder: Umm, thanks?? And thanks for the question JacobNicholasSkoczen Yona: Yona agree with question, Smolder did just create sculpture of tree of Harmony with bare claws

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Smolder: Umm, thanks?? And thanks for the question JacobNicholasSkoczen
Yona: Yona agree with question, Smolder did just create sculpture of tree of Harmony with bare claws.
Smolder: Well sometimes we do workouts but we born naturally with strength.
Ocellus: Is that really a fact??
Smolder: Well we're actually born with some strength and thats why are dragon parents tells their kids to do workouts.
Silverstream: But do you still do workouts???
Smolder: Not really. There's no need to do any workouts when I'm just learning friendship. So yeah, thats my answer.
Yona: Next question looks more like dare and it says:

Yona: Next question looks more like dare and it says:

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Smolder: Meh, doesn't seem that bad. We always hug especially to you guys.
Sandbar: But we're the only ones here.
Gallus: Maybe at school, its the perfect place to the dare.
Yona: How is griffon and dragon so calm on dare??? Usually both dragon and griffon complain.
Gallus: Thats what we would do at first, aince we got so used to hugging you guys all the time it doesn't make us complain.
Smolder: So we're basically fine hugging anycreature around.
Silverstream: Next stop, EQUESTRIA!!!!
Author: I might wanna keep a low profile on this.

(In Equestria)

(After hugging everycreature in Equestria....)

Author:I think thats enough hugging for today, lets get back.
Young 6: Agreed

(Back to the house)
Gallus: We hugged a lot of ponies today
Smolder: I know, right?
Ocellus: Also, there's another question for you, Smolder.
Smolder: What does it say??
Ocellus: It says:

Smolder: WHAT??!! I'm a girl!! Sandbar: Don't be mad

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Smolder: WHAT??!! I'm a girl!!
Sandbar: Don't be mad.
Smolder: Sorry, its just that there's a lot of people at first who gets confused on what gender I am.
Author: Even me
Young 6: *looks at Author*
Author: What? I really thought she was a boy.

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