Part 4

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(Next Morning after breakfast)

Gallus: Ok, my turn to read.
Author: Let me check if there is a question.

(After checking)

Author: There is a question, but I don't think I can recommend you to read it, Gallus.
Gallus: Why not? Is it bad?
Author: Not really... Its just, I think its for the best. So for now, I'll let....... Sandbar to read it.
Sandbar: Really? YES!! Ok, so it says here:

Gallus: What's so bad about this question??Author: Well, you did say you don't have any parents because you're an orphan in Griffonstone

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Gallus: What's so bad about this question??
Author: Well, you did say you don't have any parents because you're an orphan in Griffonstone. So I was thinking that the question might affect you.
Gallus: Its fine, I moved on actually. Besides, I may not have a family that I'm related to, but atleast I have a real family right here.
Yona: Wow, yak touched to griffon's message.
Sandbar: I can start! My parents names are Cerise Shell and Sea Kelp.
Silverstream: How about your sister?? You did say you have a baby sister, right?
Sandbar: Yup! Her name is Prismarine.
Author: Thats a nice name for your sister, Sandbar.
Sandbar: Thanks, Random Author!
Silverstream: Everyone knows the name of my parents, Skybeak and Ocean flow, while my brother's name is Terramar.
Ocellus: I know this is about telling the names of our parents, but I don't think that my parents nor my younger siblings would like me to say their names online.
Yona: Yak agree with changeling. Yona not like being grounded.
Author: We understand. I'm sure the one who asked the question will understand too.
Sandbar: How about you, Smolder? Aren't you gonna tell us the name of your parents?
Smolder: No, 'cuz its only me and my brother.
Gallus: Why won't you tell the name of your brother?
Smolder: I love my brother and all but still, he's a jerk. Thats why I don't want to mention anything about him, especially his name.
Author: But he's your brother.
Smolder: Still. We half-hate and half-love each other. But more hate.
Author:...... Ummm, ok? Thank you so much for asking the Young 6 this question @-_Rainbow_Dash-_
Silverstream: Is there another question we can answer?? 'Cuz its like we spend few minutes on the first question today.
Author: There is, and its from djcj132019
Gallus: Can I read this time??
Author: Go ahead
Gallus: It says here:

Silverstream: No, we don't like this bookAuthor: WHAT?! Wh-Silverstream: BECAUSE WE LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!Author: Oh *nervous laugh*, well if you  love this book, why won't you explain why?Ocellus: Well in my opinion, I think that this book is great b...

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Silverstream: No, we don't like this book
Author: WHAT?! Wh-
Author: Oh *nervous laugh*, well if you love this book, why won't you explain why?
Ocellus: Well in my opinion, I think that this book is great because this is a chance to get to know each other much more.
Gallus: We may have been friends for the first semester but there still things that we don't know about each other yet.
Smolder: Plus, there are even questions that we never thought of asking each other like knowing the names of our family members.
Yona: Yona thinks that this book is great way for everycreature or viewers to know friends a lot.
Sandbar: Thats why we think that answering your questions will help us and for you to get to know each other even more.
Author: Wow, I'm surprised all of you guys answered in this question.
Smolder: Altough, why would she ask this kind if question to us??
Gallus: I don't know
Ocellus: Meh, its fine. Thanks to Random Author, we were able to start this book.
Author: Thanks! I guess we can move on to the next question.
Yona: Yona want to read next question.
Author: Sure, Yona!

*Hi everyone! In this book, let's just say that Cerise Shell and Sea Kelp are the names of Sandbar's parents and Prismarine is the name of Sandbar's sister. I also couldn't think of any good names that fit well for Yona's parents and Ocellus' parents. Plus I couldn't think of a good name for Smolder's brother. I hope you understand why I didn't think of putting the parents names of the other students of the Young 6 @-_Rainbow_Dash-_
I hope you enjoyed this story and please make sure to comment more questions to ask to the Young 6!*

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