Part 9

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Gallus: Umm guys, there's another question and it says:

Ocellus: Well we haven't been playing that nuch computer ganes since there's school

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Ocellus: Well we haven't been playing that nuch computer ganes since there's school.
Smolder: Plus, we don't have any computers in our homes.
Yona: Friends only use computers for study, not for games.
Author: Isn't there a single game that you play on the computer??
Young 6: Uhhh....
Sandbar: Oh wait, I remember one game that I introduced to you guys, but... I'm not sure if we can consider it a computer game.
Smolder: Meh, atleast we play it on a computer.
Silverstream: What's it called, Sandbar??
Sandbar: Remember from the weekends before we met Random Author and knew about wattpad, I introduced to you guys a game called minecraft.
Ocellus: You mean that scary game that you have to fight those zombies, skeletons and others??? Idisn't like playing that.
Gallus: Its not scary, its fun!! And hard.
Smolder: Yeah, we could've be able atleast bring back those diamonds at the house until we got killed by an enderman.
Silverstream: I prefer playing in creative mode than survival, so it can be more fun and less hard.
Yona: Yona agree with Silverstream.
Sandbar: I like playing survival, in fact, I'm almost about to be in the Nether!
Gallus and Smolder: WHAT?!
Ocellus: How about you, Random Author?? Have you played this game??
Author: Yup, I played both survival and creative. But I played more of the creative mode 'cuz I was too lazy to play survival.
Smolder: Where did you last quit the game??
Author: When I got some diamonds...and I think, when I opened the Nether portal.
Gallus: You are lucky.
Author: Don't worry, even when I was just a beginner I couldn't be able to bring back the diamonds up to the house.
Sandbar: But as always, you still need practice.
Ocellus: Now I feel like playing the game already, but in survival mode.
Silverstream: I have the same thought too. I mean, its just a game.
Yona: Yona feels like playing game!!
Author: Well, we're not in the school so I suppose we can play minecraft.
Sandbar: I know lets do it in multiplayer!!
Gallus: Whats multiplayer???
Yona: Multiplayer is where friends play together in same minecraft world.
Ocellus: She's actually right about that.
Author: I'll get my computers, although there are only 4.
Sandbar: Its ok if I don't play. Besides, I always play this.
Author: Is anycreature gonna make another sacrifice???
Gallus: Meh, I'll go.
Author: Ok, I'll get my computers.

(After getting the computers and turning it on)

Silverstream: I'm so excited!!! Wait, I have to change my nickname.
Ocellus: Oh yeah, me too.
Yona: Yona done with her nickname.
Smolder: I'm done too
Author: Get ready for the minecraft adventure!

(After playing)

Gallus: We were so close!!!
Smolder: I know right? Well we need to think of a plan before we get back.
Silverstream: Well atleast I found something cool.
Yona: What hippogriff found???
Silverstream: It said a blaze rod???
Sandbar: You got a blaze rod??? How??!
Silverstream: Well I was was battling a blaze 'cuz it looked like it was an evil mob.
Ocellus: Now that was cool.
Author: I just realized Sandbar and Gallus aren't playing.
Sandbar: You just noticed that now??
Author: No, What I mean is that..... You know??
Ocellus: Oh I get it *blushes*
Silverstream: *nervous laugh and blushes*
Smolder: Aww, the boys sacrificed to let their girlfriends play.
Gallus and Sandbar: *blushes*
Gallus: We just thought that we give you guys a chance to play.
Sandbar: Yeah its not like we actually we only did it-
Author: *raises a brow and smirks*
Gallus and Sandbar: *nervous laugh*
Ocellus: Oh yeah, we're still doing the Q&A, remember??
Author: I almost forgot about it, thanks for reminding, Ocellus!
Smolder: Who's the question from again??
Silverstream: The question is from @-_Rainbow_Dash-_  . Thank you for your question!
Yona: Yona like minecraft in both creative and survival mode!
Sandbar: Glad you guys enjoyed!
Author: So who wants to read the next question??? There's another question here.
Silverstream: I wanna read! Pick me pick me!!
Author: Ok Silverstream, you can read.

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