Part 2

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Author: Ok it says here:

Young 6: WHAAATTTT!!!!!????Author: I've been waiting for this my whole life!! So you have to tell the the truth

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Young 6: WHAAATTTT!!!!!????
Author: I've been waiting for this my whole life!! So you have to tell the the truth.
Yona: Yona have no crush for anyone. Friends is what Yona needs, not a love life.
Author: Umm... Okay? I guess what your saying is true.
Gallus: You know this type of question went too soon.
Author: Dont worry your secret is safe with us.
Silverstream: Us???
Author: Me and the viewers out there.
Sandbar: Not cool, dude!
Author: This is a chance to test your honesty. Gallus was tested with honesty in the episode "Hearth's Warming Club" by admitting he was the one who messed up/sabotage the decorations. Now this is a chance for all of you to admit who's your crush.
Yona: Yona agree with Random Author. Friends must learn to say truths, not lies.
Sandbar: Ok fine, but is this really necessary??
Author and Yona: YES!!!
Sandbar: Ok ok ok, I'll tell mine first but only because its for the viewers and the one who asked the question. I... Like..*sighs* I like Ocellus.
Ocellus: *blushes* Really?? Cuz I like you too, Sandbar!
Young 6 and Author: WHUUUTT???
Sandbar: *blushes and nervous laugh*
Smolder: Why do you have a crush on each other?? *smirks*
Sandbar: Well, Ocellus is really cute and smart. And there's just this thing that got my attention making me like her so much.
Ocellus: Aww, thanks Sandbar. I think your really cute too! You also have this thing that I really love but I don't how to describe it. *nervous laugh*
Sandbar: Why does everyone have a hard time describing me?? *looks at the author*
Author: Hey, its not my fault that I didn't know how to describe your responsibility.
Silverstream: Besides, each of every creature is unique and special to each other!
Author: I bet you have some creature who is special in your heart, Silverstream. *smirks*
Silverstream: *blushes* What??!! No I don't. Thats crazy talk! I don't know what you're talking about *nervous laugh*
Ocellus: C'mon, Silverstream! We're your friends, you can trust us.
Sandbar: And besides, some of us already mentioned who we have a crush on.
Silverstream: *sighs* Ok, I'm a strong hippogriff, and I can do this. *inhales* IlikeGallus *exhales*
Young 6 and Author: ..... What??
Silverstream: *muffled* I like Gallus
Yona: Yona can't hear what Silverstream said.
Silverstream:*sighs* I LIKE GALLUS!!!
Gallus: *blushes then smiles* I like you too!
Silverstream: *gasps* Really??!! *flies over to gallus and hugs him while smiling*
Gallus: *nervous laugh and hugs back then breaks the hug while blushing*
Author: How about you, Smolder?? Don't you have a crush on somecreature?? *smirks*
Smolder: Meh
Gallus: You sure??? *smirks*
Smolder: Look, if I ever have a crush on some creature, I would be blushing by now.
Ocellus: How about spike? Don't you have a crush on him??
Smolder: One, Spike has a huge crush on professor Rarity. Two, He's not my type but still, I accept him as a friend. And three, I'm not interested in any "love life" relationship to any creature. Is that enough proof for me to tell you to know what I'm saying is true???
Young 6: Yeah
Silverstream: Uhh guys, where's Random Author??? She was just here.
Author: Hi guys! Sorry, I was just getting something to show you. Ocellus and Sandbar, you have a crush on each other, right?
Sandbar and Ocellus: Yeah
Author: And Gallus and Silverstream, you have a crush on each other too, right?
Gallus and Silverstream: Yes
Author: Well... Look at this:

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