Part 1

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Author: Ok guys I'm back! I just received a question for all of you guys.
Gallus: Can you tell me your name first??
Author: I'll just whisper it to you because I'm not that type of person who shares info about me online. *whispers to gallus' ear her name*
Gallus: Ooh, ok. Thats all I need to know.
Silverstream: I can't wait to answer the questions!!! Can I read?? Please please please????
Author: Ok
Silverstream: Yey!!! Ok it says here:

Silverstream: I can't wait to answer the questions!!! Can I read?? Please please please????Author: OkSilverstream: Yey!!! Ok it says here:

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Sandbar: Thanks AngelUnicorn21! Thats a lot of questions. Where do we begin?
Ocellus: I guess we can start from the top then work or way to the bottom.
Yona: Yona always think that either pony, griffon or changeling most responsible.
Gallus: What makes you think I'm responsible??
Silverstream: Duh, you study secretly. You pretend that you hate the lesson but you're actually paying attention to class. Although sometimes you lay around as well and try making excuses to not have classes instead have field trips.
Smolder: Silverstream does have a point. Your half responsible and half lazy.
Gallus: Does this mean I'm out of the choices??
The Young 6 with Author: No!
Gallus: Aww...
Author: How about Ocellus and Sandbar?? They're both responsible in different ways besides school.
Smolder: Like what??
Author: Well, Ocellus is actually the most academically inclined among you guys. No offense.
Gallus: Ouch
Author: And she's also the only one who remembers most of the lessons your professors(the mane 6) teach.
Ocellus:*smiles in agreement* That is true, but what about Sandbar? How is he responsible to you.
Author: I don't know how to explain it because I see a different kind of responsibilty from him, I just don't how to explain it but I know he's responsible.
Sandbar: Aww thanks Random Author.
Gallus: Wait, we're just gonna call her "Random Author"??? Well ok then.
Silverstream: So I guess its either Sandbar or Ocellus. Ok, next part is...Most Athletic!!!
Sandbar: Ok, now I think that Gallus and Smolder are perfect for this.
Yona: Yona agree with pony. Both play sports!!! But Yona thinks that dragon is much perfect for Most Athletic.
Smolder: Well, dragons do love a competition. But if kitty here wants a competition, you're on!!
Gallus: Oh we'll see about that!!
Yona: Yona guess both griffon and dragon competitive, but kitty?
Ocellus: Griffons are half-lion, Yona
Yona: Oh
Author: I think we all know who here is the stongest.
Silverstream: Really? Who?
Author:*raises one brow*
Silverstream: Ooh, right. Yona!
Yona: Yona strongest!!!
Sandbar: And of course the funniest or goofiest here is Silverstream.
Silverstream: Of course I am!!!
Gallus: I think the most shy here is Ocellus. 'Cuz once she enrolled for Friendship School, she instantly got shy.
Ocellus:*nervous laugh*
Yona: What about most fashionable?
Author: I did recall one episode or two that Smolder-
Smolder: Don't you dare!
Ocellus: C'mon Smolder, half us in this room knows it. We have to tell the boys about it too!
Smolder:*sighs* Fine, but I'll tell them
Sandbar: Tell us what??
Smolder: In some of the episodes we did, I was wearing a dress because secretly, I love cute silly stuff like make up, dresses, and even tea parties.
*moment of silence*
Authors: Umm.. You guys ok??
*Gallus and Sandbar bursting out in laughter*
Gallus: Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Sandbar: Hhahahahahaha!!!!!
Smolder: Are you done??
Sandbar: Yeah, we're done. C'mon don't be embarrased that we laugh.
Gallus:*giggles* Yeah we're sorry.
Smolder: Its ok, I forgive you.
Silverstream: Well Smolder, I guess you'll be the most fashionable for now.
Author: Hey guys, there's still another question from AngelUnicorn21. It says "How did you have the time to get to know each other?"
Sandbar: Easy, because of school.But mostly its because of the adventures we had. For example, there was an episode we had called "What Lies Beneath".
Ocellus: We each had to face one of our fears which is also a test from the tree of Harmony beneath the school library. Some of us came to help face the others' fears by telling them what they're scared of so that they can each have a motivation from their friends to help face our fears.
Smolder: Basically, the tree of Harmony tests us to let us know that friendship is in our nature which it is.
Yona: Yona surprised how long explanation was from pony and changeling.
Gallus: Yeah because they're the smart ones.
Author: You too, Gallus. And some of the viewers may agree as well.
Gallus: Hmph, as if.
Silverstream: I think your really smart too, Gallus! Just in a different way.
Gallus: Umm... Thanks?
Author: Anyways, on to the next question!


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