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"Where are we heading, (y/n)?" the blonde girl asked you while you were busy focusing on driving on the road. You clenched your jaws as you gripped on the car's steering wheel, realizing you have no idea where you're planning to go.

You clicked your tongue, "I don't know." you answered sharply, making Toga feel uncomfortable at the sudden tense aura you're giving her.

Silence began to surround the two of you and the sound of the car engine is the only noise, making it very awkward for you and Toga.

Toga mustered all her strength to broke the silence between the two of you, "Uhm...(y/n)... I need to tell you something..." she said with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

You briefly glanced at her, and returning your sight back at the road, "What is it?" you asked.

Toga took a deep breath, thinking if she should continue. She was having second thoughts since she know that it wouldn't be a right time to tell you yet.

But as the time passes, being with you alone makes her guilt eating her. She doesn't like the fact of being with the girl who's life has been ruined because of her. And confesaing about what she did was really stupid, since you're too preoccupied on saving your son, and you two are supposed to find Dabi, but she knew, that if she let this chance pass, she wouldn't have the strength and courage to tell you.

Toga felt her heart racing in fast pace, and she felt the tip of fingers getting cold as cold sweats ran down from her temples.

Her hands trailed the seatbelt that was already attached to her seat, "I know this isn't the right time, (y/n)...but..."

Her eyes were glued on her shoes, and she doesn't even had the courage to even look at you. She was quite ashamed of the thing she's supposed to say to you but she doesn't have a choice.

You remained silent, eyes focused on the road. Your mind was filled of Aoi and Akashi. You are too worried to even care about anything else. But you already had that gut feeling that what Toga is about to say is a serious matter.

"I...I was the reason why you a-and Katsuki... had a...fight...and I-I was the one who r-ruined y-you--" you subconsciously stepped on the brakes in the middle of the road. If Toga wasn't wearing her seatbelt she should be flying out of the windshield with a cracked skull.

Your lips thinned, pressing it together. You felt your blood pulsating and your head throbbing. Your head hurts as you tried to process what Toga said, there no memories coming back, but what Toga said seemed so familiar but also so distant. It was as if you can tell that she was telling the truth but you can't even remember anything about it.

You slammed your hands on the stirring wheel but you can't even feel a single pain from the impact. Toga flinched and was left frozen in her seat, can't even blink an eye after seeing your reaction. Anger was overwhelming you and you feared that you might lose it if you're going to hear Toga talking again.

"What did you just say?" you clenched your hands tightly that your nails began to dig onto your palms. Toga immediately regretted the move she made but there's no turning back now. She had said it.

Toga swallowed the lump on her throat, "(y/n)... I was the o-one who drugged Bakugou... I pretended to be y-you back then a-and took advantage o-of Bakugou..." she admitted, and her voice were shaking. Her lips were trembling and she can't even control it. She was scared.

"I-I'm sorry, (y/n)--" she wasn't able to finish what she's about to say to you when you grabbed her neck, singlehandedly slamming in the car window beside her. She groaned as she felt the pain after the back of her head was slammed against the window.

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