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"Akashi... stop it already!" Aoi tried to stop Akashi from making fun of the bullies by using his newly manifested quirk.

The bullies were all beaten up singlehandedly by Akashi. Apparently, Akashi's quirk is somewhat similar to yours. But the fact that he was able to manifest it by sheer anger and certainty of antagonism, Aoi knew he need to do something.

Or Akashi will get into trouble.

Aoi blocked the bullies to stop Akashi, "WHY ARE YOU EVEN PROTECTING THEM, AOI?!"

Aoi slapped Akashi in the face, not minding his blue lighting currents electrocuting his palms. Aoi exerted force to maximizing his impact on Akashi's face.

Akashi was left amused and surprised after realizing what Aoi did to him, he balled his fists out of anger.

Aoi burnt his palms, and it hurts badly that it could make him cry. But he managed to control his tears, because Aoi thought that his brother is more important than him.

'Akashi had the talent to be a great hero. And even if I don't get to be a hero, I will stay beside him and watch him be the greatest hero. Because unlike me, I'm not fit to be a hero. I don't even know my own quirk unlike Akashi.'

Aoi thought as he clenched his jaws. Akashi was about to retaliate when their teacher arrived at the scene.

Seeing the other kids scared, the big kids on the ground grunting and whining in pain, and that one kid who they thought quirkless manifested their quirk.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" The teacher let out a bloodcurdling shriek, making Aoi glance at Akashi to see what was his reaction, but he saw a cold dark glare from his brother.

Aoi tried to reach out for him but Akashi slapped his hands away, "I don't need a weakling like you."

After hearing what his brother said, he felt like crying. It was the first time that Aoi had received something like that from Akashi.

Never in their whole life he remembered that they fought too much unlike today.

Akashi turned his back on Aoi and started to walk towards their teacher to explain what happened, leaving Aoi all by himself.

Little by little, the lighting-like current in Akashi's body began to disappear. Maybe that was the time limit of his quirk and he'll now soon feel the drawbacks of his quirk.

Aoi heard the bullies grunt in pain but what caught his attention was they still got the time to laugh when they're all beaten up.

Akashi's training with Endeavor paid off. He underwent various of trainings with Endeavor while Aoi studied with Shoto about strategies and how hero and quirk works.

Both of them are different but they both share the same face. But Aoi noticed the gap between them is starting to grew even wider every second.

It feels like he wasn't the Akashi he knew. As if he was a stranger.

"Guess your brother Akashi is not gonna hang out with you anymore." Aoi heared one of the bullies cackled at him

Aoi tried his best not to shed any tear and did what his mom told him. He knew that he needed to do something for Akashi.

And he is never going to let his brother walk down the wrong path. He promised to himself that he's going to help Akashi to be the greatest hero, and he swore not to let Akashi be tainted by evil and with that being said, he will knock on him some senses.

Even if he needs to beat him by himself.

His (e/c) orbs were fixated towards the back of Akashi who was explaining to the teacher what happened.

I'm going to be alright. I'll be brave, just like mommy said.

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