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your eyes widened as you heard a familiar voice, "Katsuki?" you immediately kicked the man you were about to punch and signaled Kota that you're heading out first, and after he raised his thumbs up, you fled.

Loud bangs and thuds echoed in the hallway, you followed where the noise was coming from.

"A-AOI?!" your heart immediately sank as soon as you saw Aoi kicked Akashi in the guts and electrocuted him with his quirk. You felt numb as you saw how hurt Akashi was. You can't even yell because the fear made you choke on your words.

"(y/n)?" you heard Katsuki called you from afar but you didn't paid any attention but instead, you started sprinting towards Akashi.

Aoi looked down on Akashi as he stepped on his brother's hands. His palms began to lit with blue electricity. Eyes were as cold as ice, you saw how wounded Aoi and how his hands trembled.

Both of them are hurt.

Aoi striked but you were fast enough to grabbed Aoi, locking him into your embrace as your tears began to fall from your eyes.

On the other hand, Katsuki already had Akashi in his arms too, he took the chance after you grabbed Aoi, "Akashi? Hey, are you alright? Don't worry, I got you, Akashi. I got you." he tried to comfort Akashi who was already whimpering, after he felt safe in Katsuki's arms.

Akashi grabbed Katsuki's shirt as he began to bawl his eyes out, Katsuki felt his heart break after seeing how hurt his son was, "K-katsu-nii, I'm sorry..."

"I'm so-sorry I was so weak I couldn't protect A-aoi..." Katsuki bit his lip as he looked upwards, trying to hold his tears back, "No, you were brave, Akashi. You gave it your all, okay? You're a strong hero." Katsuki hugged Akashi as if his life depended on it.

"A-Aoi?" your voice cracked, "Mommy's got you. Please calm down..." you said as you felt Aoi's quirk zapping your back. Though your quirks are similar, it doesn't change the fact that his quirk can still hurt you.

"Step aside, I'm going to keep Akashi safe--" Aoi tried to break free from you when you grabbed him by the arms as you forcefully made him look at you, meeting his cold gaze.

"You are not saving him, Aoi. You're killing him. Stop this..." your tears began to flow even harder. It broke your heart to see Aoi being like this.

"I-I thought you're not coming..." You heard Aoi murmured as you felt his quirk began to disperse away. Your eyes widened, "Did you doubt me? Of course I'll come to get you both. You two are my life, Aoi. I would risk everything just to take you back." you replied as you caressed Aoi's cheeks.

"I love you, Aoi. I would die for you. Remember that." you whispered, but it was loud enough for him to hear. Aoi started to cry, he felt so bad.

Aoi hugged you as he began to cry, "I'm sorry, mommy." as he cried even harder.

"I thought that if Akashi disappears from this world, he would be safe. Mommy, I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm sorry if I said that heroes are no good. I'm so sorry, mommy." Aoi began to engulf in sadness and regret.

"It's okay, baby. Mommy is here to get you. You're safe. You two will be safe." you tried to console the poor child as you kissed the top of his head.

You felt someone tap your shoulders and as you turned your head, you saw Katsuki carrying the crying Akashi in his arms, "Hey, (y/n)."

you sighed as you also carried Aoi in your arm, as Katsuki pulled you into his warm embrace, "God knows how much I fucking miss you, (y/n)." he muttered under his breath while you wiped his cheeks with your thumb, wiping the dirt on his face.

"I love you, but I'm still pissed that you're here. But I don't care anymore, after all this shit, we're going to a family vacation. How does that sound to you?" he added as he stared directly at you.

You couldn't help but to sigh in defeat, "I like that." you replied as you placed your head on his chest. The sweet scent of nitroglycerin started to invade your senses and that made you yearn for him even more.

You knew that it was not the time to get all lovey dovey, but you can't help it. You missed him after all.

"Isn't this a good time for a family reunion, is it not?" your eyes widened as the sinister voice filled your ears.

"You fucker, I'm going to kill you." Katsuki gritted his teeth as he growled in anger.

You can't help but to gnash your teeth in anger, you just wanted to bash his head so bad that he wont be able to get out from the hospital bed. You balled your fist as you spoke,

"Kei... I'll make sure you're not going to leave this place unharmed. I'll fucking reassure that."


Hello! School ended earlier than expected due to the covid-19 pandemic and i started to have more free time than I anticipated. It's hard because everyone is being quarantined at their homes because of the ongoing pandemic :(((

Though this is good to have a free time, it is still bad because a lot of people are suffering because of covid. Please stay safe everyone!

Drink water always, sanitize your hands and if possible stay at your homes at all times! Stay safe always! omo ( TДT) ily! see you again in the next update!

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