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The both of your parents stared at each other after hearing your question. They seemed to be confused about what's happening.

You managed to stay calm even for the fact that you are really intrigued about who you are. You are lost for words and there things that you wanted to tell them but you don't know where to start.

"What do you mean, (y/n)?" your mother asked with a worried look painted on her face.

Before you could say a word, a lump was stuck on your throat, making it hard for you to swallow. You are apprehensive to what kind of answers you will get from your parents.

Your eyes shifted away from the two, can't keep an eye contact towards them, "I lost my memories. And for the past five years I have no odea who I really am. I'm sorry." you confessed, your eyes glued on the floor.

Your mother couldn't held her tears back, her hands were trembling as it cupped her mouth in disbelief to what happened to her precious child. Your father, on the other hand, was frozen in his seat- not knowing what to react.

"Mom, Dad, please tell me, who am I?" you pleaded, as you bowed your head.

"Your name is (y/n) (l/n). You're our only girl. Your quirk was a mix of mine and your mom's quirk." your dad started to explain, which made your mother eagerly nodded at him, too.

your mother added, "My quirk was minimal storm and your dad was to make lightning flash. Your quirk was the combination of the two. A second generation quirk."

You immediately realized that because of them, you are able to have a strong quirk. You mentally noted their quirks and silently thanked them.

"We live in the rural suburbs, which is here, found in the outskirts of Musutafu. Your dad as a police and I'm just a housewife. But we had a peaceful life here despite living in the rural." your mother smiled as she began to reminisce the past.

You can't help but to smile, too. You can see in her eyes that she was satisfied living the life she is living now.

You kept your mouth shut and let your parents take their time telling the truth about you. Your heart was fluttering and you are ecstatic to see your parents happy.

You immediately knew that the past you lived a happy normal life with your parents.

"You grew up looking up on All Might and Endeavor. You were quite the nerd for those top heroes." your dad added as he chuckled while shaking his head, making your mom also laugh.

She held your father's hands, "Yeah! And you always bragged about how much you wanted to be like them!"

Your father huffed his chest proudly, reminding you that Akashi also loves to huff his chest whenever he feels proud about something, "But I'm still (y/n)'s favorite hero!" your father crossed his arms and folded it over his chest as he proudly exclaimed.

"Yes dear, of course you still are." your mother shook her head as she gently patted your father's shoulder- giggling at her husband's silly gestures.

"And you know what, (y/n)? You got a recommendation from your school, applying you to the Hero course of Yuuei!" your mother bragged. She was proud of you, and her tone of her voice was a proof of that.

Your brows furrowed, "Yuuei?"

You suddenly remembered about that name from Shoto. He would always tell you about his life in his highschool and how he loved to fight against villains with his friends.

"Yes! The top Hero School where All Might and Endeavor graduated from! You studied and graduated at Yuuei, along with the Top Heroes Ground Zero and Deku!" your mom beamed with excitement. She clasped her palms together as she excitedly glanced at you.

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