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"Thank you for the food!" you and the twins said in unison. You were pretty amazed by how Katsuki made dinner and it was well done!

Katsuki smirked with pride as he started to eat up. It was just a simple curry but he made it special. It was the first time in forever that he cooked for you and he missed that feeling.

The four of you ate in peace when someone knocked on the door, "I'll go get it. I wonder who could this be?" you murmured as you stood up from your seat and headed towards the door.

"Hey, (y/n)." your eyes shot wide open as you saw who was outside. His eyes fixated at you, it was the two toned hair male, Shoto.

You thought why was he here in this hour? And his eyes were red and puffy.

'Did something happened?'

You stepped aside to let Shoto in, amd he was barely moving his feet. It was more like dragging them inside the apartment. He was exhausted and you knew that he needed you the most right now.

"S-shoto, what happened?" you asked him as you wrapped your arms around his waist, guiding him to the nearest sofa for him to sit down and saw him sighed heavily.

"Can I stay here for the night?" his voice was husky, as if he had used all his voice to whatever reasons earlier.

Katsuki also went to the door where you stood and his eyebrows were immediately knitted after seeing Shoto.

"Oi, what are you doing here?" Katsuki didn't mean to pry but he couldn't just shut his mouth, too.

Shoto's gaze was fixated on the blondie, "I should be the one asking you that, Bakugo."

"I invited him over dinner, Sho. But never mind that, what bring you here anyway?" Katsuki felt irritated after you disregarded his existence and you're more fixated with the half n' half bastard.

He never felt this jealous before. And with that thought, he balled his hands into fists while he clenched his jaws.

"I just want to see you, (y/n). I feel so tired." Shoto tiredly leaned towards you as he rested his chin on your shoulder, slumping his body on you.

Katsuki secretly glared at Shoto, he doesn't want him to have a piece of your attention, but who was he to complain about it?

"Want to take a rest for a bit at my room, Sho?" your voice was very loving while you ask Shoto which made Katsuki's blood boil even more.

"Hmm. Yeah. You'll join me later right?" he asked and you nodded, making Katsuki's eyebrows furrow even more.

"You two sleep together?!" Katsuki"s voice escalated in shock, he felt the anger surging into his head and he was pretty mad at the moment.

You smiled, "Yeah. I'm sorry but I have to bring Sho to my room first so that he could rest."

You took Shoto's arm and wrapped it around your neck, slowly helping him stand to up. He was dead tired and pretty much beaten up by stress, it was obvious that he didn't had any good day earlier.

"I'll just be back for a moment, Katsuki." you took Shoto in your arms and you gotta admit that he was not that heavy that's why you easily carried his weight without falling and with ease.

You left Katsuki alone standing at the living room, jealous and furious. He just wanted to break the things he sees and just burst out.

"Nii-chan? Where's mommy?" Akashi tugged Katsuki's shirt that made Katsuki snap out from his current thoughts of making a chaos.

"She's busy helping, Shoto. Have you finished your dinner, Akashi?" Katsuki asked, trying to conceal his anger by talking to Akashi.

Akashi shrugged his shoulders, "Katsu-niichan, why are you mad?" that question made Katsuki took a good punch in the face.

"What are you talking about-"

"I dunno, niichan. But I can just tell you're angry." Akashi began to giggle but Katsuki was struck with awe and surprise.

"You brat, I'm not mad or anything. What are you talking about."


"Oh well! Ne, niichan you want to go in our room?" Katsuki was goddamned mad alright. But he knew he doesn't have the right to be mad because he knew that for you- he was a nobody.

"Sure." Katsuki felt that it wasn't right to be mad. But his anger was swallowing him whole.

On the other side, while you were tucking Shoto to your bed, you can't help it but to worry about Katsuki all of a sudden. He doesn't look happy after seeing Shoto, and that made you wonder why was that.

After tucking Shoto to bed, he was just quietly staring the ceiling, "Sho, can you tell me what happen earlier?"

"maybe later? when you're getting to sleep. I can wait." you nodded and you hurriedly walked out your room, in searched for the blondie.

You already understood why Shoto was being like this. Well growing up with a bad relationship with both of his parents, family started to grow apart, and he grew up hating his quirk.

Although it's already fine now, but Shoto can't help it but to be traumatized. And whenever he feels down, he always come running to you.

As you search for Katsuki, you also noticed how the twin was gone along with him. That's why you decided to search for the trio.

"Aoi? Akashi? Where's-" you were immediately silenced by Katsuki. Avoiding any disturbance in the twin's slumber.

Katsuki was playing with the twins when both of them got sleepy already. He was intentionally distracting himself so that he wont think about you and Shoto for even a minute of two.

Katsuki plced a blanket over the two boys, but Katsuki's sense was awakened after hearing Akashi, "Good night, Daddy."

He snickered as he gently ruffled Akashi's and Aoi's hair, "Yeah. good night, brat."

That felt surreal! Katsuki was more than happy. He silently fist pumped before turning his direction towards you. He was sure that you weren't able to catch that because Akashi said it in a low tone.

"Katsuki, thank you for watching over them." you said shyly, hands fidgeting as you can't look at him in the eye. Remembering what happened earlier between the two of you really made it awkward.

Katsuki smirked as he raised his hands towards the top of your head and started ruffling your hair, "Nah, it's good. See you tomorrow."

As much as he didn't want to leave, but he can't bear it feeling jealous. He just wanted to take his time in taking you back but he doesn't want anyone to have you.

You nodded as you slightly bowed at him, feeling slightly disappointed to whatever reason why after hearing him say goodbye.

"Yeah, see you again tomorrow, Katsuki." as he started to walk himself out the exit, he felt all the emotions rampaging inside him.

But Katsuki knew for sure, which made him smirk.

Yeah. You'll see me more starting tomorrow, (y/n).

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