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"Aoi, remember to look after your brother. Akashi, be a good kid while I'm gone, okay?" you are too worried. It was the first time that you are not with them for a day and it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Aoi and Akashi ran towards you as they hugged you as they bid goodbyes, "Yes, mommy!"

Katsuki stood beside you and was amazed on how you managed to take care of Aoi and Akashi despite him being absent as a father. He felt bad, because you had to take the responsibility of raising them all by yourself.

"Katsu-niichan! See you later!" Akashi and Aoi said while waving at Katsuki. Making him jolt in surprise.

But despite being frightened slightly, he grinned as he pinched both of the twins' cheeks. "Yeah, see you later brats."

"Now remember, your mom's gonna pick you up later. Don't go with fucking strangers, okay?" out of surprise, you unintentionally smacked Katsuki's head which was very impulsive of you to do. Your hands acted on it's own and you are never like that.

Katsuki on the other hand, was also surprised. Because you only do that when he's trying to use his language. But that was before you lost your memories.

"Oh my god, Katsuki-san I'm sorry!" you immediately cupped Katsuki's face to see if he's hurt somewhere, Katsuki's face was red as a tomato and that made you wrinkle your eyebrows in confusion.

"Mommy, why are you kissing, niichan?" Akashi asked, and that made you realized that your face is too close to Katsuki's face. You suddenly took your hands off his face and you started to cringe at ypur sudden actions.

'WHAT IS WITH YOU TODAY, (Y/N)!?' You slapped your face mentally.

"N-No! I wasn't!" you tried to convince the twins that you weren't doing anything when Aoi just smiled and leaned closer to his brother, and whispered something.

Both of the small boys started giggling, Akashi started to talk with mischievousness in his voice, "Okay mommy, we'll be going inside already."

"Hey! What are you talking about-" you wanted to ask that 4 year old kid what was that about when they suddenly ran inside their room and was greeted by their teacher, it was already too late for you to ask them and they left you alone with Katsuki.

You gulped as you turn around, slowlh facing the taller male who was facing in the other direction, but little did you know, Katsuki was just hiding his embarrassment.

Katsuki remembered how you act like this before.

"K-katsuki-san, I'm really sorry." you bowed towards the male that made him laugh, this is new.

He grabbed your wrist and started to pull you outside of the daycare without a word, just him laughing and with you confused to why he was laughing at you.

But as he held you, you felt it again. Your heart started to race but you don't even have a reason why you'd feel nervous but safe with him at the same time.

"So where are you heading now?" Katsuki asked in a loving tone. His voice was calm and your eyes met his crimson locks as you raised your head to see him.

He was still holding your wrist and still walking beside you, "I'm g-going to work at a cafe which Shoto recommended me to work. I-It's quite near to Aoi and Akashi's daycare so I accepted the job."

Katsuki slighlty rolled his eyes but he continued on walking, dragging you along with him, "So, where is it located?"

You suddenly felt weird after him asking you, "Uhm, why do you ask?"

He tilted his head in your direction and you saw him grinning at you again. You felt a sudden mini heart attack after seeing him with that expression and you can't help it but to think, that he was a very attractive person! You blushed at the thought and immediately avoided his stare.

Katsuki decided to make his move to take you back. He loves you so much that he is not willing to give you up yet. Not without putting a fight.

"So that I can drop you off your work everyday."

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