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"Jesus Christ!" you cried with a hiny of disbelief in your voice as soon as you realized that the attacks that you and Kota was making takes no effect on the nomu.

You are covered with dirt from all the fighting you did. You never actually know why but the feeling, the essence of fighting, you are drawn into it. You have this feint feeling inside you that you loved fighting the monster. It was as if the (y/n) inside you was regaining it's consciousness.

You fired lightning on the nomu continuously and Kota served as your cover. Kota fired his water quirk on the nomu and you used that chance to electrocute the huge monster.

Kota has a water quirk, and it is a best match for your lightning quirk. Since water is the best conductor of electricity, if lightning strikes at water it will generate a current and will electrocute anything that is wet.

Your body began to grow tired but you still need to fight. After all, it will not let you pass through unless you take it down yourself, "WHERE ARE THE HEROES, DAMMIT."

There are a lot of casualties caused by the nomu, and you can't really understand why it's attacking nor why is it here in the first place.

"Kota!" Eri was worried sick for the both of you, she can't help but to feel useless. She never got to help you two. But she knew that she should follow the orders given to her or else the situation would worsen.

Kota tried to send a roundhouse kick but the nomu was able to grab his legs and threw him away, sending him flying towards you, making you both fall to the ground

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Kota tried to send a roundhouse kick but the nomu was able to grab his legs and threw him away, sending him flying towards you, making you both fall to the ground.

Grabbing the opportunity, the nomu ran towards Eri as it was supposed to take her, but you immediately got up on your feet and bolted towards the nomu.

You dodged each attack but ypu noticed that you were getting slower every minute passes and the nomu was still the same, "DOESN'T THIS GET TIRED OR WHAT?!"

"IT DOESN'T! THAT THING CONSISTS MULTIPLE QUIRK, PRACTICAY IT'S A MONSTER!" Kota replied as he also got up on his feet to cover you up.

You are currently in a bad shape and you can't even use your quirk for more than a minute. You admit that your quirk is strong, but using it in a constant time makes you feel nauseous and feel asphyxiated.

both you and Kota were catching your breaths, but that doesn't mean you can stop now. The nomu was strong enough to take you both down, and it was big enough to crush you if you don't fight back.

You can already hear the sirens of the fire truck, and that made you feel slightly relieved that help is on the way.

"(y/n)-neechan!" you heard a girl's voice called you, making you turn your head and saw an incoming hook from the nomu. You didn't have any spare time to dodge so the only thing was left was for you to take the hit.

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