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"Mommy, when will we ever get our quirks?" you turned your head and saw Akashi. He was pretty sad and he wasn't as lively as usual. You three are already walking home when Akashi spoke.

you tilted your head towards Aoi, "He's just sad because the other kids had their quirks, mommy."

Aoi's explanation made you frown. You stopped for a moment and bent down, lowering yourself to level both of their heights.

"You don't have to worry, Akacchin~ Aocchin~ It won't be long till you got your quirks, okay? Just be patient!" you tried to lift their moods but that didn't work.

Aoi sighed heavily, "It's just that Akashi is being bullied by the big kids because he doesn't have any quirk...yet."

You silently stared at the two boys and you can't help it but to feel sad, too. Even you yourself don't even know your own quirk.

You cupped Akashi's face and kissed the tip of his nose, "Akacchi, mommy's really sorry."

your voice started to crack and unintentionally getting high pitched. Both of the boys looked at each other, panicking to why is their mommy going to cry.

"Mommy doesn't know her own quirk, too. Mommy isn't a big help." you felt so broken and useless, knowing and realizing that their own mother can't help them.

Aoi ran to hug you and so is Akashi, "No, mommy! We're sorry for making you cry!"

"Yes mommy! We're sorry. Akashi is sorry for making mommy cry. Sorry for being bad!" Akashi pouted and was about to cry, too.

Akashi realized that it's okay not to have quirks, but it's not okay to see their mommy cry because of them.

"Mommy, please don't cry... I don't even care about quirks anymore. just don't cry mommy." Aoi enunciated, making Akashi nod his head in agreement to what his brother said.

You shook your head, "No. Mommy's gonna help you. Mommy will find a way for you to manifest your quirk, okay?"

Reassuring the twins, you smiled at the two worried boys. You raised a two good sons and you're very lucky to have them in your life.

Akashi and Aoi wiped the tears from your face which made you smile. That made you think that they'll be great heroes when they grow up.

"Mommy, let's go home."

you nodded as you held their hands in both of your hands and started to walk again towards home.

'I will ask Katsuki to help us!'

After hours of taking a day off from work, Katsuki was already able to stand up from bed and assist himself.

He already had a time to think about the things and he gotta admit that Kirishima did knock some senses on him, and he gotta thank him for that.

There was a constant feeling of guilt still resides within Katsuki's mind. He never knew that Kirishima had some feelings for (y/n).

He really needs to thank that guy, he really acknowledged Kirishima's sacrifices for him and that made him a good friend.

A sudden knock on his door interrupted him, he grunted and sluggishly went to open his door, only to be greeted by you, (y/n).

"Hey!" you greeted Katsuki with a wide smile making him smile too. His tiredness went away in just an instany after seeing his happy pill.

'why did i thought of giving up this girl, again? This girl is an angel, what the fuck Katsuki.'

katsuki thought as he leaned on his doorframe while crossing his arms. His eyebrows raising and lips curved into a smirk.

"Uhm...so...are you okay now, Katsuki?" you nervously asked while you play with your fingers.

"Yeah. thanks, (y/n)." Katsuki thanked you, but his voice was so manly that it sent chills at your spine.

"So, what can I help you little lady?" the blonde male asked as he leaned closer to your face meeting his crimson orbs.

You flinched as felt heat surging on your face. Your face crept a shade of red but you shook your head, making those flustered feelings off you.

You moved your head away from the blondie to avoid eye contact. His eyes were directly looking at you, making you feel even more nervous to ask him. So you gathered all your strength and asked,

"Uhm.. so... I wanted to ask you a favor..."

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