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You came running inside the hospital where you heard Katsuki was. You had your left arm wrapped in bandages and you were limping on your way in.

"(y/n)-neechan, please calm down." Eri tried to convince you as she followed you with a worried look on her face. Eri was worried since you never got to rest yet and now you're here in the hospital to search for Katsuki.

There are a lot of wounded people inside the hospital and you knew that they are the ones who got wounded in the nomu attack.

"Kota, you said that they were also attacked, right?" you frantically asked as you helf Kota's shoulder.

He nodded, "Well yeah, Mount Lady told me to find Eri because they were under attack by a nomu."

You were worried for Katsuki and your boys. You walked even faster as you saw a nurse who was holding her clipboard.

"Hey, I need to ask you. But do you know where Katsuki Bakugou's room is? I'm acquainted to him and I need to see real quick." you tugged her shoulders that made her look at you.

Her eyes widen as if she can't believe what she saw and she was speechless. She immediately knew that you were Katsuki's wife and that you're the Lighting Hero, Raijin.

Your brows furrowed in confusion. Waving your hands at her face, you made the nurse snap back to reality.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." you said as you continued waving your hands. She shook her head to focus herself before she replied, "H-he's at Room 217, on the second floor."

you thanked her before you left, "you guys still coming?" you immediately asked the two teens after you realized that they are still following you.

"We just wanna make sure you're safe, neechan. After all, you protected us." Kota scratched the back of his neck as he said shyly. His arms were covered bandages and his uniform were filthy. Same with your clothes.

"We promise to leave after you reach Bakugou-niichan's room." Eri spoke as she held both of your hands, her eyes glistened making it hard for you to refuse.

you sighed in defeat, "Okay fine."

"Katsuki!?" you swung the door open and making Katsuki jump in shock.

"Mommy!" you were greeted by the two identical blond boys with a hug as soon as they saw you. They ran towards you and you can't help it but to feel relieved that they were okay.

You scanned their faces to check if they are wounds but gladly they don't have any but instead, they just had dirtied clothes and their faces were covered in dusts. The smile on their faces were still bright, and it seemed that all your exhaustion all went away in an instant.

"Aoicchi, Akacchi, I'm so happy you two are alright." you hugged them but as soon as your arms wrapped around them, they whined in pain.

Katsuki can't help but to smile, he was glad to see you again. Seeing you made him thankful that he was alive for another day.

"You wont believe this, (y/n). But they fought a nomu." Katsuki said with a hint of disbelief in his voice. Your eyes widen as you glanced over the two boys once more and pinched their cheeks- making them whine.

"Mwommy, itch hurtch!" Aoi whined, but you immediately let their cheeks go and caged them into your embrace.

You were worried! The nomu you fought earlier was hard to beat! And these two boys fought one on their own?!

"But mommy! The monster was huge and Aoi and I teamed up to beat the bad guy!" Akashi puffed his chest making Katsuki chuckle as he got off from the hospital bed, "Katsu-niichan saved us from the monster! He kicked his ass so good!"

You listened to Akashi and Aoi's story about how they and Katsuki beat the nomu, "And there's this green guy, his hair was like a broccoli. But he helped Katsu-niichan to beat the monster! They were so cool!"

You glanced at Katsuki and ypu saw him already staring at you. You noticed how beat he was, his whole body wrapoed in all kinds of bandages and his left arm was in a cast.

You mouthed a 'thank you' at him which he just replied with a smirk. That was his way of saying his 'no problem' and you immediately took the hint behind those smirk.

Katsuki was your hero. He was constantly saving your sons from danger. You already knew that Katsuki was a good man despite of his vulgar language, but he is also a wonderful man. Other heroes could've done what he did, but you were drawn into Katsuki's kindness.

"So what are you brats doing here? And why are y'all wrapped in bandages, too?" Katsuki asked Kota after seeing you and him all wrapped up in bandages like him.

"(y/n)-neechan and I also fought a nomu." Kota spoke in the most polite manner, he was still intimidated by Katsuki's demeanor.

Katsuki's eyes widen as he immediately walked towards you, cupping your face as he scanned you. Anxiety and Worries are all written in his face.

You were quite taken back by his sudden action and seeing his face close to yours make you flustered.

"And you know what, niichan? (y/n)-neechan took the nomu down when it was about to escape!" Eri added, making Katsuki clench his jaws.

He squinted his eyes and he let out a loud sigh, "Jesus Christ, (y/n)!"

He pulled you towards him, wrapping you into a hug. Your eyes widened but you got this feeling of relief, knowing that he was the one who's hugging you.

His caramel scent lingers in your nose and it was some sort of addicting to smell. It was so sweet and intoxicating. You were so fond of his scent and as if it was so familiar to you.

His presence was so soothing, and his hug alone made you feel like home. It sounded weird but you got this certain feeling for Katsuki but you can't pinpoint what it was. But all you knew that you are happy with him.

You smiled at the thought, and Katsuki too was happy to be able to hold you again in his arms. It feels like a dream to him. It was way too good to be true enough for him.

Maybe if this was a dream, this was the best dream he had ever dreamed for the past 5 years of being alone. Katsuki yearned to wrap you once more in his arms for too long, and it still overwhelms him to able to even touch you again.

It makes his heart race and it made him simle whenever he realizes that he can't breathe whenever he's with you, that was he body's way to say he love you too much that it was bad for him.

He also pulled Akashi and Aoi inside the hug, and he never felt this happy before. He got his world wrapped in his arms and he's not planning to let you go again.

He swore to take you back, let it be by hook or by crook. He'll steal his wife back, along with his son and he promised that one day, you'll be carrying a Bakugou surname.

"Don't do such reckless things, (y/n). (y/n), you idiot, I don't want to lose you again."

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