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Both of the boys closed their eyes shut, bracing themselves for the incoming impact when they felt someone wrapped them and they heard a loud explosion in the room that made them immediately shot wide open.

"You guys okay?" Aoi felt his soul leaving his body as soon as he saw Kirishima protecting them, making his whole back harden to avoid getting burnt by Katsuki's explosions.

Katsuki took off one of his broken gauntlets and slammed it on the nomu's head out of rage and anger.

"Now that you touched my boys, I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." Katsuki started to crack his knuckles as he bolted towards the nomu who's face was currently on fire after Katsuki exploded it.

The nomu shrieked and charged towards Katsuki, too. The monster swung a left hook but Katsuki dodged it and gave him a roundhouse kick in the face - making it step backwards as it cupped its face.

"Katsu-niichan!" Aoi and Akashi yelled in unison, Kirishima lifted the boys and carried them in both of his arms.

"Kirishima! Get them out of here!" Katsuki yelled, and Aoi noticed that Katsuki was injured, too. He glanced at their Eiji-niichan and it proves that they were engaged in a battle earlier.

"But how about you, Bakugou?!" Kirishima was hesitant to leave his friend behind. Katsuki was pissed-- no, he was furious!

He swore that he'll destroy the nomu who laid a finger on his sons. He witnessed how the nomu was about to kill his Aoi and Akashi, but good thing they arrived on time!

He swore to protect his family, and he'll never loose anyone anymore ever again.

Katsuki's body was exhausted, but he continued on dodging and fighting at the same time, "Just fucking go! I'll meet you outside!"

All that Katsuki remembered was he and Kirishima was on the lobby of their hero agency when someone-- or something was standing behind them and as they looked back, they were sent flying outside of the building.

"A NOMU?!" Kirishima's eyes widen, his skin hardened as soon as they saw a nomu walking towards their direction.

"E---Eri..." the nomu spoke in a raspy voice, it was a big nomu, but gigantomachia which was the nomu that Shigaraki Tomura own that they faught before was even bigger in comparison.

"Eri?" Katsuki muttered beneath his breath, the nomu started to attack them and the town's people started to panic and run.

Katsuki and Kirishima began to defend themselves from the nomu, both using their quirks. Katsuki blasting the nomu while Kirishima tried to stop the nomu by hitting it's vital organs.

But nomus are made up with multiple quirks, making it hard to deal with them in the first place. Not unless you're All Might or Deku--

"KIRISHIMA, WE NEED TO CRUSH THIS MOTHERFUCKER." Katsuki clenched his fists as he dodged the nomu's attack, holding one of it's arm and full strength yanked it and slamming it on the ground.

The nomu got up after it getting slammed and grabbed Katsuki by his arms and threw him on the ground just like what he did to the nomu. Katsuki arched his back as soon as it hit the ground and grunted in pain.

"Bakugou!" Kirishima came to his aid, protecting his pal before the nomu could land another hit. The redhead Kirishima hardened his arms and began to simultaneously attack the monster but the nomu never wanted to lose and began to hand to hand combat with the pro hero.

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