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"W-what happened to Aoi and Akashi?!" you barged into the room where Enji summoned you. You ran all the way to the daycare from your work after Enji called you to come to the twin's school after their teacher issued a parent-teacher conference.

Enji stood up from his seat, and you noticed that Shoto is there too, "(y/n)! It's nice to see you again, my precious girl."

Enji greeted you like how a father greets her daughter and gave you a little bear hug that made Shoto roll his eyes, diverting his attention to the two boys who was sitting on his lap.

You turned your head and you saw unfamiliar faces inside the room, and as soon as you noticed them, they started to walk towards you.

"Mrs. Todoroki, we're very sorry for what our kids did to your sons." they said in a apologetic manner as they bowed down to you along with their kids.

They might be the parents of the kids who're bullying Aoi and Akashi. But you mentally asked yourself why is Enji and Shoto here.

"We're really sorry!" the kids also apologized, making Enji crack up a little. Making you turn at him and glared.

Enji just shrugged his shoulders in defense, "what?"

"Whatever, Enji-san. But it's okay now! Please raise your head. I understand that they're still kids and teasing happens a lot, but I wish that everyone will get along." you said, not making any fuss any further.

The daycare teacher had few certain things to say and did took action with regarding with what happen.

Apparently, the big kids from the daycare are bullying Aoi and Akashi, and Enji dragged Shoto along to the daycare and tried to solve the issue themselves.

You noticed that Shoto is still on his hero costume and you expected that Enji fetch him from work. Well, as long as Enji is the one who commands not even Shoto can do anything about it.

And they were assisted by the teacher immediately. Well, the two of them are well known heroes, who wouldn't want to assist them? Guess that is the advantage of heroes.

"Enji-san, thank you for everything." you said after the five of you left the teacher's office.

Enji chuckled as he ruffled your hair, "I'll do anything for my two favorite kids."

Aoi and Akashi ran towards their Oyaji to hug him, thanking him for being their best Oyaji which made you smile at the sight.

"Hey, (y/n)." Shoto leaned to whisper in your ears, making you jump. You slapped his shoulders that made him laugh at you for being so jumpy.

Shoto handed you a red envelope that he took from his pocket, "It's on next month, (y/n). I hope you can come."

"Oh my goodness, yes of course we'll come!" you hugged the bicolor haired male and patted his back.

He frowned as his heterochromatic orbs fixed on you, "I'll be pretty busy in the upcoming days, I won't be able to visit you and the twins. Are you sure you'll be fine?"

His voice was soothing and calm, that made you feel safe whenever he's around. But you laughed at him being so concerned about you and the twins.

"Oh come on now, Sho. I'm a strong ass girl. Trust me, we'll be fine!" you proudly said as you slapped him in the back, making him cough a little.

"Whatever. Just call me when you needed me, and I'll be there to see you." he said while flashing his smile as he flicked your forehead. You caressed your forehead, whining in pain.

"Okay, okay, Shoto otou-saaaan!~"

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