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you and Katsuki sat silently inside the ferris wheel's pod. He was sitting across you with him staring outside the pod's window, hands resting on his cheeks and he was utterly silent.

You find it awkward but you managed to just shrug it off you. You did the same thing as Katsuki was doing and you never regretted on doing that.

Your eyes was mesmerized to see the sun setting on the horizon. You're a huge sucker for things like this. Katsuki did a little glance at you and he felt relieved that you are alright.

He had this feeling that he couldn't just ignore, and that was you being so scared about something. And that matter still bothers him.

"So... (y/n)." Katsuki broke the silence, and that made you look at him.

Katsuki clasped his hands, intertwining his fingers over the other. His face was serious and you can tell that he was about to ask what happened earlier.

"What happened earlier?" you swallowed the lump on your throat as you slowly shifted your gaze at him, meeting his crimson orbs that was already staring at you.

You let out a loud sigh, "I'm sorry if I startled you earlier, Katsuki. It was nothing." you smiled at him but he wasn't a docile kind of person to take and get convinced by that so easily.

You don't want to tell Katsuki, for the fact that you don't want him to get involved and cause him another trouble. He's been always there to save you but maybe this time, you'll just keep this to yourself.

After all, all these years you've been keeping things all by yourself that you don't want to be a bother to anyone. That's the reason why you kept on stopping yourself on finding out who you really are.

"Don't lie to me..." you saw how Katsuki's face painted a pained expression, "please."

Nothing hurts more than not being able to help you. Katsuki felt that he isn't the person to ask and beg, but he couldn't help it.

If it's all about you, he'd rather go through all kinds of trouble just for you.

You felt a pang in your chest to see him getting hurt and that you realized that he was just trying to help you. You suddenly felt guilty.

"Katsuki, I--" you were interrupted when he suddenly grabbed your wrist, yanking you towards him and pressed your lips against his.

You body froze as you realized what happened, your mind was a mess and you can't come up with any idea on why Katsuki was being like that.

Katsuki's hand slid into your hair, but you held his shoulder- slowly ripping him away from you, "Katsuki! What's wrong with you! We shouldn't do this!"

You remembered that Katsuki still had his wife. You knew that Katsuki still loved her and you were just a past time for him.

Your heartbeats began to escalate fast. You don't like it when he's being like this to you. The fear of falling inlove with a person who already loved someone so dearly scares you.

You bit your lower lip to prevent yourself from crying, your sight was already blurry and you can tell that you're about to cry. You felt funny for feeling the butterflies in your stomach after him kissing you but your heart was shattering at the same time.

You don't want to steal Katsuki from his wife. You never wanted to do that. But realizing that maybe you are inlove with him made you scared.

Katsuki stared at you with awe and disappointment, he felt his soul was crushed into thousamds of pieces.

"Katsuki... why are you playing with my feelings?" you asked as you darted a glare at him.

Katsuki was confused. All he felt for you was real. There was no games. There was nothing but sincerity. And he couldn't believe it that you thought that he is playing with your feelings.

"(y/n), I-" Katsuki was interrupted when you spoke once more. Tears began to erupt from your eyes and your lips were trembling.

"Please, I beg you not to lie to me. You have a wife to find Katsuki. You loved her." you kept on wiping the tears from your face but the tears were still flowimng down.

Katsuki was left dumbfounded, "Y-you... (y/n) listen to me! It's about us-" Katsuki tried to reach you but you shoved his hands away.

"There is no us, Katsuki... There never was." you averted your gaze as you spoke. You emphasized every word you spoke and that made Katsuki felt like he's going to break down.

Nothing hurts more than to be denied by the person you loved.

"You're going to leave me again, (y/n)?" Katsuki's voice cracked as he asked. You shifted your gaze towards him again and you saw his eyes were also red. Little do you know that he was also trying his self not to cry.

You smiled, "You think this will make me stay, Katsuki?" your voice was hoarse, and you felt your chest was being clenched. It hurts so much.

"Why?" Katsuki couldn't keep it in, and his tears bursted from his eyes. He was crying and his crimson orbs were expressing it's sadness.

It's not because you don't like Katsuki. But it's about him and his wife whom he was searching for all these years. He already had a family and you have Aoi and Akashi. Not to mention you have to search for the twin's father and ask him what happened.

You are falling for him. But... you meed to limit yourself. It's unfair but that's what best for you both.

It pains you to see him crying but this the best way for you to end this.

Your smile faded, and you can't even see him clearly because of your tears. You asked yourself why did it have to be him? Why did you fell for a person like him?

You never actually know the reason.

Because loving someone doesn't need a reason. That is what it is.

You clenched your jaws as you tried your best to force yourself not to cry any further but you felt that your heart was about to explode.

"Because you're married, Katsuki."

im sorry for hurting you (y/n) huhu. but i needed to do this! sorry for the angst 💖

anyways, thankyou bakufam for reading and voting for the story!



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