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"man, you don't have to hit me, y'know?" Kirishima chuckled as he was cupping his face after Katsuki sent him flying

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"man, you don't have to hit me, y'know?" Kirishima chuckled as he was cupping his face after Katsuki sent him flying.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Katsuki replied with his infamous 'hmp!' at the Redhead.

"Katsuki, I'll be leaving, okay? Your food is in the counter and lunch is already in the fridge. I'll see you later!" Katsuki feeling a little disappointed to know that you're leaving, he just simply nodded in response.

But he knows that he doesn't even have the right to hold you back, since to you, he knows that you only look out for him because he saved your sons and he was just merely your neighbor.

"Oh, and you have your share too, Kirishima-san." Kirishima fist pumped the air in victory. The redhead was ecstatic whenever he hears about free food.

You waved at the two heroes as you began to walk out of Katsuki's place, already leaving for work.

After seeing you're already out, Kirishima once again spoke while staring at the door, "So... what's your plan now, Bakugo? Is there a way to retrieve her memories or something that can make her memories return?"

"I don't know. It fucking pisses me off. I don't even know where to start!" Katsuki grinded his teeth together, indicating that he's back to the angry Katsuki.

"If her memories are already gone... Then you just gotta go and make a new one with her then. If she fell for you before, it is possible that she will again." Kirishima tried convincing the spiky blonde haired friend of his, also wanting lessen the tension.

Katsuki's face lit up, but immediately darkened as he balled his hands into fists, "I can do that, but she's already happy with that Icyhot motherfucker."

Kirishima almost fell from his seat after hearing Katsuki mentioning a friend from highschool, Shoto Todoroki.


"What I'm saying is, she's already in a relationship with that Todobastard. What else could it even mean, dumb hair?" Kirishima laughed, already used on hearing Katsuki's vulgar words.

But Kirishima let it slide and many thoughts had already clouded his mind, "Wait, if that's true. That doesn't change the fact that she's still married to you!"

"Yeah right. And her surname is already a Todoroki. Even our brats are already a Todoroki." Katsuki rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Already a Todoroki?! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN ABOUT YOUR BRATS? YOU HAVE A KID?" Kirishima was bombarded by the information he just took in.

How can (y/n) be a Todoroki? Fate is playing around with their lives. The sounds messed up for Kirishima whom placed his hands on Katsuki's shoulder but was immediately shoved away.

"Yeah, she already had my kids, dumb hair. They look exactly like me." Katsuki's expression softened as he remembers Aoi and Akashi.

Kirishima felt sorry for the guy. Never in his life he saw Katsuki so... Miserable.

"So what are you planning to do now, Bakugo?" Kirishima started to ask, making Katsuki look at him as if he too doesn't have any idea what to do.

'It hurts like shit.'

"I'm a fucking idiot. I never thought that I could be this weak. Heh." while smirking, Katsuki couldn't help it but to feel so weak and helpless.

His expression turned into something Kirishima couldn't even thought of Katsuki be doing.

And it was the expression of him on the verge of breaking down, his eyes were red and almost teary. Kirishima felt sorry for his friend.

Katsuki felt a pang in his chest, he could still remember this feeling. It was his heart slowly breaking.

Clenching his chest, he tried not to let any of of his tears fall from his eyes.

Kirishima's face saddened, he can't help it but to admire how strong physically and mentally Katsuki was.

But Kirishima's sad expression immediately changed into disbelief as soon as he heard Katsuki spoke,

"Kirishima... I might start to give up. I'm already tired."

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