『 extra no. 3 』

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"Hey..." Katsuki couldn't hold his shit together, knowing you've been ignoring him since you two got home earlier. He was biting the insides of his cheeks when he eyed you once more, "(y/n)."

Katsuki heard you sigh before you placed a bowl of pasta in the table before you turned to him and said,  "I'm not really hungry. You can eat first." without looking at him.

Katsuki felt his chest hurt once more after realizing that you're giving him the cold shoulders, but he knew he deserved them anyways. He stood there watching you walk away from him and head towards your room.

This is the first time that you two fought after you two got married and Katsuki hates to admit but he hated himself for acting like a jerk to you earlier. It is just that he got jealous and reacted so rashly.

Marching from the dining table, Katsuki slumped himself on the couch, his arms covering his eyes and even if he wanted to blow off some steam, he couldn't. He doesn't want to leave the house and leave you all alone here. He wanted to fix thinhs between you two right away. He is not used to it after all.

Not realizing that Katsuki fell asleep in the couch, the blond woke up in the middle of the night. The living room was dark and the only thing that was lighting him was the lamp shade illuminating from afar. He also noticed that there was already a blanket over him and his head was resting on a pillow.

He bit his lower lip as he believed that you were the one who placed it there, and what pisses his self more is that even if you were mad at him, you were still looking out for someone like him. His (y/n) was kind, and he sometimes wonder why the hell was he blessed with someone like you now that he's doubting himself that he really deserved an angel like you.

His chest tighten again and he can feel his eyes getring heavy, Katsuki isn't someone who'd cry or shed some tears easily but it really gets to him when the topic was about you. He isn't the type to get emotional over things but (y/n) was his Achilles heel.

He kicked the blanket off from him and even though he was staggering on his way towards your room, slowly opening the door so that the creek won't wake you up

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He kicked the blanket off from him and even though he was staggering on his way towards your room, slowly opening the door so that the creek won't wake you up.

He slowly approached the bed where you were sleeping, and quietly tucked himself beside you. You were facing the opposite side and all Katsuki can see was your back.

Katsuki couldn't imagine his life without you anymore, and thinking just a day without you is enough to make him weak enough.

His hands slowly reached for your waist and he slings his arms around you, giving you a back hug. He then slowly moved closer to you, resting his forehead on your back — feeling your soft skin touch his.

His embrace around you tightened but just enough not to crush you in his arms. His breath was shaky as he gathered all his courage to speak, "(y/n), baby, are you still awake? Can we talk for a moment?"

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