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As soon as Kirishima left Katsuki's apartment, he immediately covered his mouth.

"What did I just do?" he said and probably regretted shouting at Katsuki.

He shook his head and immediately left the place, deciding that he'll just apologize to Katsuki later or the next day or probably never.

"Eijiro you're such a dumbass."

"Hey, (y/n)! Good morning!" A violet mist wearing a two piece tux greeted you as you entered the cafe where you work.

It was already 9:30 in the morning and you just got to work in time. You waved your hands at the person who greeted you and saw him already cleaning the counter with a rag.

"Morning, Kurogiri-san!" you hurriedly wore your apron and started to open the windows that were shut earlier.

You roamed your head around the cafe to search for the baby blue haired manager, Shigaraki but found none.

"Ne, Kurogiri! Where's manager?" you asked as you started on mopping the cafe floor before costumers come.

"Oh, he's meeting up with an old friend today. He might be back later this afternoon." the polite mist replied that made you nod.

The whole day was busy, a lot of normal citizens of Musutafu came into the cafe, enjoying their cup of coffee.

You enjoyed serving their orders and you gotta admit, you never felt so alive by just doing your job. You never got to know what was your past and you never know what have you been doing before you lost your memories but you know one thing for sure,

You love helping people.

The day ended with no troubles at all, Shigaraki is still trying his best to show his face in public but you know he'll get it over with one day.

Kurogiri was also cheering up for Shigaraki which made the bluenette bashful.

"So your quirk is something like a teleporter?" you and the two male are talking about quirks when you tried asking about Kurogiri's quirk.

Kurogiri nodded, "Yeah! What about yours, (y/n)-chan?"

"I don't know. I lost my memories and I don't really know about myself or my quirk." you scratched the back of your neck.

Shigaraki placed his finger under his chin and tried to look like he was thinking about something, "Well, why don't you ask Bakugou-san?"

Shigaraki knew what your quirk was because he remembered that you're that (y/n) whom he faught against with years before. You're in the same hero course along with the top heroes like Deku and Ground Zero.

But he decided not to tell you because he thought that he wasn't supposed to pry with your personal life.

"But he won't tell me." you pouted as you started to sulk.

"Then make him answer you by force." Shigaraki laughed as he winked at you while Kurogiri punch you in the shoulders playfully, agreeing in Shigaraki's suggestion.

"One thing we former villains do, we always get what answers we want by force. But I'm not saying that you should be a villain, okay?" Kurogiri laughed that made you smile, too.

It's good that you have someone to talk about your worries. And you're glad that they're good people, too.

"Yeah! So If I were you, (y/n). Start interrogating that angry man." Shigaraki nodded as he crossed his arms over his chest, agreeing in Kurogiri's opinion.

You thought, why not, right? Katsuki was the only person you knew that was close to you before you lost your memories. So you need to squeeze out answers from him!

"Alright! I'll ask him later! And if I ever got any answers from him, I'll let you guys know tomorrow!" you raised your thumbs up as you took off the apron that you were wearing.

It's time for you to fetch Aoi and Akashi in daycare!

"You might want to show us that awesome quirk of yours too, (y/n)!" Kurogiri said that made you smile even wider.

"Yeah sure!"

'I'm going to ask Katsuki and when he doesn't want to answer it, I'll just beat him up until he does!'

you laughed at the thought as you picked your bag up from the staff room and started to walk down to the daycare which Aoi and Akashi is staying.

After leaving, a girl with blonde hair squinted her eyes in disbelief after seeing you go out from the cafe.

She was about to go in the cafe to meet up with her old friends who were Shigaraki and Kurogiri but she never expected you to be there.

"Oh, yo Toga! What's good?" Shigaraki greeted the girl with a yellow locks. Her face ashen in fear, and her hands started fidgeting.

Shigaraki's brows were knitted in confusion, the girl whom she called Toga was staring at something.

"Oi, you alright?" Shigaraki went outside the cafe to check what was Toga staring at and saw you walking happily on the street

"Wait was that, (y/n)?" Toga asked as she pointed at your back. Shigaraki nodded and asked her what's the matter.

Without answering, Toga gulped as guilt rush to her mind. She bit the nail from her thumb and she seemed to be panicking that made the bluenette scratch his head in confusion.

Toga murmured something but audible enough for Shigaraki to hear.

"Oh no."

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