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"We hate you, Toya-nii." Aoi and Akashi both said in unison as they attacked Dabi with their quirks.

Dabi was fast enough to dodge Akashi but he didn't anticipated Aoi to slide his feet on the floor against Dabi's feet, shoving his right foot on the taller male's feet, exerting too much force on it, Aoi made the male fall on the ground.

Dabu immediately got up from the ground and began to counter each of the boys' attacks at him.

'Their training with Enji paid off. This is bad.'

Dabi thought as he analyze both Aoi and Akashi's movements. Their attacks were similar to Enji's and Dabi couldn't believe that the day will come that the childrem will use their knowledge against him. He used to train with Enji before he Dabi already knew the basics of each movements and attacks. But what made it harder for him to defend himself from Akashi and Aoi was that, the twins had copied even you, their mother - raijin and Shoto's fighting style.

There was no pattern of their attacks.

Dabi was indeed anxious about Akashi, since he had a strong quirk and has control over his quirk perfectly now that he had taken uppers. But what scares him more was Aoi. Aoi is known to be more analytical and he is used to study and think first before he launches an attack. He also noticed how Aoi teaches Akashi on what to do, resulting of them being fight in an organized collaboration.

Kei was sitting on the corner of the room, watching Dabi and the twins fight like he was just watching movies in the cinema. Dabi was so pissed off that he subconsciously hit Akashi in the abdomen with his fist.

Akashi fell on the ground, holding his stomach, "Shit! Akashi I---" Dabi was interrupted when Aoi struck his arms backwards as he leaps through the air, his palms let out a big explosions, propelling him towards Dabi.

Aoi used his explosions to propel himself in a circular motion to create a tornado. This tornado builds up oxygen to fuel the incoming explosion. Dabi was taken back by Aoi's sudden aggression that he never get to prepare himself for defence.

Aoi successfully landed a kick on Dabi's face, "You're a villain. You hurt Akashi." Aoi fumed in rage, explosions starred to explode from his palms and tears were forming in his eyes. Dabi also saw how swollen Aoi's arms are. He already is at the limit of his quirk and if continues to use them, he would eventually loose.

Aoi's arms slightly throbbed in pain after using his quirk to pull off his move, but the emotional pain overthrew his physical pain.

Dabi saw how angry Aoi was and he swore to himself that Aoi almost resembles you, his mother. Aoi was the son of one of the strongest Hero and he feared that if Aoi's emotion would eat him up, there's no doubt that Aoi would walk to the path of villany.

'That move... That was Bakugou's Howitzer...."

Dabi couldn't say a word. He was too mesmerized by Aoi. As if Aoi was a mini version of Katsuki. After seejng the move that Aoi managed to pull off, he couldn't help but to feel angry.

Dabi placed his finger on his nose after feeling that something hot was running out from it. Dabi winced in pain as his fingertips touched his nose and he wasn't wrong when he thought that his bose were bleeding after seeing the red liquid in his finger after touching his nose.

Dabi slowly rose from the ground, feeling a little dizzy after receiving Aoi's attack. Akashi was already there standing beside his brother and there were no signs of pain written on his face.

Aoi bared his teeth on anger as he glared at Dabi, "I'll erase you." making Dabi's heart sank. Aoi was not Aoi anymore and that was because of Kei. He feared that they won't be able to take Aoi and Akashi back if this continues any further.

He promised that he will protect them but he also promised himself that he won't hurt them. He can't bring himself to hurt the kids that were precious to him. He doesn't want to hurt the most precious treasure of the girl he liked.

"I was a villain..." Dabi started, "But... I'm trying my best to compensate for my sins." Dabi's voice cracked as his shoulders slumped. His hands also trembled and he felt chilly.

His heart was breaking and all of the things that he regretted all came back to him and hit him like a truck. He admitted that he was wrong, but he's trying his best.

"You're wrong, Toya-nii." Aoi replied, making Dabi look at him and he saw the expressionless eyes of Aoi.

Kei stood from his seat and stood between Akashi and Aoi, holding their shoulders while grinning widely at Dabi. Dabi clenched his jaws as his anger started to surge once more. He never hated someone like Kei before. The level of hate that he felt towards Kei were immeasurable.

He managed to manipulate children like Akashi and Aoi, even use them against him. He stole their innocence away from them and they both don't understand what's going on.

Aoi looked at Dabi without showing any remorse, and within a split second, not even in a blink of an eyw, Akashi was already standing in front of Dabi, he was wrapped in a bluish-white lightnings while smirking.

Dabi felt Akashi's hand pierce through the right side of his stomach. Dabi already felt the immeasurable pain before Akashi could even pull his hand out. Dabi looked at Akashi with disbelief as his hands cradled his newly acquired wounds.

Blood were spilling on the ground and his visions were getting blurry and his body slowly dropped on the ground.

"Do you know why we said you're wrong, Toya-nii?" Akashi said, looking down on Dabi who is slowly loosing consciousness every second he looses right amout of blood.

Akashi crouched down towards Dabi and began to stroke his spiky jet-black hair. Dabi saw Akashi mouthing something that made his eyes widen in shock.

"Save us."

Akashi smiled at him as he proceeded after he mouthed a message to him. He then glanced once again at Kei and his brother who looked at him with his stone cold expression.

"What you did... your sin... Is something that you can never atone for."

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