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Katsuki was playing with your hair as he stare at your sleeping face. God knows how much he missed being with you. He leaned closer to kiss the top of your head as he pulled you closer to him.

How he wished this day would never end. This is one of the most memorable day in his life. He would trade anything as long as he still gets you be with you.

"Katsuki?" you fluttered your eyes open, and you felt relieved to see Katsuki laying beside you. Katsuki smiled at you as he hummed, "yea?"

"Nothing." you immediately replied as you snuggled towards him, making his cheeks heat up. He never felt this happy before.

"It's nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today." Katsuki appealed and almost mumbling, closing his eyes as he let his forehead touch yours.

You're too happy. You still can't believe that you and Katsuki are together now. It is still like a dream come true for you. You never felt this in love before. To be wrapped around the arms of the person you really loved calms you down, making you feel really safe.

"Are you tired, (y/n)?" Katsuki asked as his hands traveled down on your back, tracing it with his fingers and making you shiver. Katsuki's eyes were still closed but he's still doing what he's doing. You shook your head, "It's okay. I'm fine."

Although your back really ached a lot after last night's action, it doesn't matter now. You didn't mind the body aches and all you wanted to do was sleep and be with Katsuki.

You're eyes traveled around Katsuki's room and you saw the clock hanging on his wall. You immediately shot up, pulling Katsuki's blanket up to cover your exposed body. Katsuki also shot his eyes wide open to see what happened.

"It's already morning. I have to contact Enji and Rei-" you started to panic, leaving Katsuki to laugh at you. You realized that you've been out the whole night that you forgot that you still have to pick Aoi and Akashi on the Todoroki's manor.

Katsuki placed his hand on your wrist, making you turn your head to him, "I already contacted them, don't worry. I said that we'll pick the twins up by 10 AM."

Katsuki was slightly pissed on having his sleep interrupted by calls from your phone earlier. So he was the one who talked to Rei that you'll be picking the twins up later on since you were sound asleep. Katsuki find it stupid to break your beauty rest and wake you up.

Rei was confused on why Katsuki was the one who answered the phone but she didn't mind after all. Rei was giggling as she answered Katsuki, leaving Katsuki even more weirded out.

you sighed in relief as you sat up, Katsuki did the same as he rub his eyes, "Don't worry, okay? I'll be cooking you some food, go dress yourself and just head to the kitchen." Katsuki said as he kissed your forehead, getting off from his bed to dress himself up and leave you alone in the room.

As soon as Katsuki left the room, You immediately grabbed the nearest pillow you can ever find and shoved it in your face. Muffling your screams and squeals and trying to hold your feels to yourself.

you found yourself getting exhilarated and thrilled at Katsuki's actions. But your fantasizing moments were interrupted by a thought that suddenly popped up inside your head.

"So does this mean... we're a couple?"


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