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"And now for our latest news! Forest of Hosu City was burnt down into ashes! Who or what could be the cause of the wild fire that turned Hosu's biggest forest into ash?" you turned the television off after seeing how unamiable the situation turned out in the city called Hosu.

It wasn't a good starters for the day to see and hear such awful news.

You felt a soft tug on the sleeve of your shirt, making you shift your head towards the direction of where the tugging came and you saw Aoi, "Mommy, did a villain did that?"

Aoi asked you as he pointed at the television which was switched off not too long ago.

"I don't know, honey. We shouldn't jump into conclusions, okay? It might've been an accident that caused the big fire." you answered as you placed your hand on Aoi's blonde hair.

You couldn't help but to feel something weird in your stomach. You are sure that you too shouldn't jump into conclusions, too but you can't help but saying that it was accidental was a bit off for you.

Since wildfires are caused, and it is rare that nature could cause a fire to spread out.

'What if it was a villain?' a sudden chill rushed down to your spine in the thought that strucked to your mind.

"Mommy! We're going to be late for school!" hearing Akashi complain made you realize that it is also almost the time for you to drop both Aoi and Akashi to the daycare.

You brushed off the weird feeling in your mind, after all, there are heores who can solve the problem - it's not like you to worry about stuffs that aren't related to you nor the kids.

But something is not right...

You wondered why you always got this feeling of empathetic and wanting to help those people who are in need? Seeing what happen recently to Hosu made you realize that someone had to do something.

You thought that it wasn't just a normal wildfire. Or it was only you being so paranoid.

You thought that these new and foreign feelings must be from the (y/n) before you lost your memories. But that also made you wonder, what did you did for a living before?

Questions like are you a hero or were you just a simple citizen? Did you ever had a family? Why are you so worried about villains and heroes or even people?

who on earth is the real (y/n)?
the (y/n) before she lost her memories?

"Mommy, are you okay?" Aoi asked while waving his hands on your face, making you jump back to reality.

"Are you sick again, Mommy?" Akashi added.

You immediately shook your head, "No! Mommy is fine! Shall we go to school?"

The two boys nodded and that was your cue to stand up from sitting on the floor. You held both of their hands on the way to their school. But the feeling of anxiousness and confusion still resides on your mind.

you knew that you needed your memories back.

he tucked his inner shirt into his slacks and fixed the black tie on his neck. He was already about to finish fixing his self when someone knocked on the door, interrupting his business.

"Young master, Wolfram and his company already arrived in Musutafu. They want to meet you now." the man- who seemed to be in his early 50's- entered the room, wearing a formal tux. He seems to be a butler who served for the man who was facing the mirror.

The man who was facing his mirror smiled in a way that could make a normal person feel sickening. It was a menacing smile, and it was combined with his diabolic aura.

The man himself was born to be a villain. It was already in his blood. Or that is what he had thought.

"Travis, tell them..." he slowly tilted his head towards his butler.

His grin grew wider, his thoughts were clouded by plans, strategies, immorality and bloodlusts. He was the new embodiment of a rookie but evil villain.

"Tell them that their new boss is going to meet with them soon." his butler whom he called travis placed his right hands on his left chest and bowed before taking his leave.

"All for One, Tomura Shigaraki, the League of Villains, or even Overhaul, all of them turned to heroes' side already, which made my heart hurt. They're nothing but just a bunch of pussy who tucked their tails between their legs."

"But now, the rise of the new generation villains will commence with me leading the pack." the man murmured as if he was talking to himself.

He began to burst into gales of laughter, "AND I SURELY WISH THAT HEROES ARE PREAPRED."

He faced the mirror again and he saw his reflection. His grin began to fade and was replaced by a grim and determined expression.

"Because I will take over Japan- No! The world rather."

i will say this right now...

but the villain you're about to meet is not as the same villains in other fanfics! Or so that is what I think.

I designed the character of this villain to be different. the whole story rather \(^ω^\)

But you'll see in the next dew chapters!

but anyways,

i'm really glad to know that you like this story and your kind comments about the story really encouraged me to write. I really am thankful!

thankyou, bakufam!

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