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"Hi! I'm (y/n), thank you for taking good care of my son. I don't know how much I'm grateful that you looked after them!" Katsuki was left confused while looking at the teary eyed (y/n)

He was confused to what are you doing. You were acting as if you don't know him. He felt a pang on his chest as he felt like he's really being forgotten by someone he loved.

"Hey (y/n)! It's me! Katsuki! Don't you remember?" Katsuki's eyebrows are knitted and he was already at the verge of losing his mind. He finally found you but you don't even recognize your own husband!

"Uhm, have we met before? I'm sorry but I lost my memories and we're kinda new here." you explained making Katsuki's face ashen.

You don't remember him, at all.

His heart began to sank but he remembered that he already found you! It's not the time to give the fuck up now that you're almost at his reach!

"Yeah, we did. So... are these brats your kid?" Katsuki gulped, as he asked you. He was calm as he spoke but deep inside he just wanted to hug you and just take you home.

You bent your knees and wrapped your arms around the two boys' neck and answered in a lively tone, "Yup! They're from my tummy so I guess these brats are my children!"

'so these brats are my children. What the fuck, I'm so fucking happy I could cry.'

Katsuki thought as he balled his fist. He was never been this happy since forever! He was about to tell you yhe truth when someone came in running towards your direction.

"Papa!" both of the boys ran towards the older Todoroki, scooping them both into his embrace, "You made me and your mom worried! Where have you been!"

Katsuki felt a pang in his chest. He felt jealous that icyhot could just hug his children so freely and here he is, struggling to even make you remember him.

He tightened the grip on his palms and his teeth started to grind out of anger and jealousy.

you stood up and ran towards Shoto and greeted him with a hug which made Katsuki felt envious even more. What the hell, how did this happen?!

'that's my fucking wife you're hugging there icyhot!'

"Bakugou? Is that you?" Shoto unwrapped his hands on the twins and decided to face Katsuki, who was literally glaring at him and mentally killing him.

Katsuki let out an audible 'tch' as he pocketed his hands on his hoodies, "So you're back, icyhot?"

"Well yeah. How have you been, Bakugou?" Shoto asked calmly. He mentally noted that Katsuki is still the same Katsuki he met back in his freshman year.

"None of your business." Shoto laughed after hearing Katsuki's reply. He knew that he would reply that way.

"Anyways, Katsuki-san, can I have your email address? I just want to invite you sometimes over dinner as a thanks for taking good care of my two troublesome kids." you took out your phone and you are hoping that Katsuki would give you his email.

Katsuki smirked, if you won't remember him, he's just gonna win you back and steal you away from the half 'n' half bastard.

"Sure." Katsuki took out his phone and gave you his email. This was the first step to win you back. And he's going to make sure that you're not leaving again.

After hearing a small beep from your phone, Aoi tugged Katsuki's hoodie, making Katsuki turn to him by lowering his body. He bent down until Katsuki and Aoi are now level with each other.

"Katsu-niichan. Thank you for today. I hope we can play again soon." Katsuki was taken back when Aoi hugged him, but he did likewise. He felt so happy, he was actually hugging his son for the first time.

Akashi also ran towards Aoi and Katsuki, hugging also Katsuki, "Me too, Katsu-niichan! Let's play again or spar with us!"

'now that really is my son. I'm proud of them both.'

Katsuki smirked, as he ruffled both of their hair, "Sure, just tell your mom and I'll find time to play with you, you little brats."

"Now, say goodbye to niichan." You spoke as the two boys nodded and bid their goodbyes to the guy. After that, Aoi and Akashi both ran to Shoto.

"(y/n) I'll head back first to the car with these two kiddos. Let's head back to the apartment after this." Shoto carried both of the boys in both of his arms and you just nodded in response. Leaving you and Katsuki alone.

After seeing the silhouette of the trio are gone, Katsuki was taken back after you hugged him by surprise.

"Thank you so much for finding my son. I don't ever think I could go on without my angels. You're my hero."

Katsuki tried so hard to fight the urge of telling you that he was your husband. He figured that he wants to tell you slowly but surely.

But he felt it. He was slowly falling in love with you again. The person whom he really loved at the very beginning.

"sure, I'm glad I was able to meet them too."

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