Chapter 5 - Choices

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I didn't know where I was. It was a large room, lit only by the glow of machines that whirls and hums in the darkness. A woman stood in front of it, elegantly dressed with silvered blue hair overflowing down her back. One hand was pressed against a monitor that lit her frame and she seemed to stare intently at it. A giant circle made of metal loomed overhead. Trails of electricity flowed between the ring. It was then that she turned around and acknowledged me. She gave out an air of sophistication while her sapphire eyes reflected her melancholy. It was then that I realized a familiar sensation.

"The natural path towards the future has diverged too much."

She finally spoke. Her voice boomed and shook the area. Pieces of walls and ceiling started to fall around us, as if the room couldn't contain her. I tried to say something but I couldn't find my voice. I spoke but no words came out.

"We cannot return to what would have been. Even [We] must adjust to this new course."

The entire room was collapsing but the machines kept going. The metal circle above it began to crackle loudly and surged with power.

"Soon the actions of the past shall come to light. Along with their consequences. But whether you choose to face them head on or not is your choice to make. I cannot force you."

The metal circle burst in a blinding blue light as the ceiling finally collapsed on us.

"But I know you'll make the right choice, Brother."


[Reactivation complete. Good morning, Unit Arlan.]

I awoke out in the field to Oracle's voice. The campsite was still silent with almost everyone else asleep. Tessa was the one soul awake standing guard over us. She noticed my movement and waved a hand at me. I waved back and sat up in the grass, watching as the morning stars started to fade away with the dawn.

I reflected back on the strange dream I had. Was I really talking to someone? She was a bit foreboding. I wasn't too sure on what she was saying either. The future diverging? Maybe these past events have started to effect me more than I thought mentally.

[Would you like to see your Status? It also displays any detrimental effects that are afflicting the Unit.]

Is it like a diagnostics report? Yeah, show me.


Name: Arlan

Race: Golem (Spirit)

Class: None (Species Based)

Status: Normal

HP: 250/250 MP: 100/100 (700/1000)

Level: 1(10)

STR: 90

DEX: 60

AGI: 90

MAG: 70

VIT: 120

LUK : 50

[Active Skills]

<Golem Arts - Lvl 1> <Spell Casting - Lvl 1>

[Passive Effects]

<Earthly Spirit> <Physical Resistance (Superior)> <Magical Resistance (Low)> <Poison Immunity> <Corrosion Resistance (Superior)> <Repair>


<Magnum Opus>


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