Chapter 35 - A Thousand People

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The days flew by as I trained repeatedly with Kurtz and Lady Halette. Compared to the Guildmaster, Halette's instruction was straight forward but hilariously strict. It was like I was in recruit training again, nervously following her motions in weapons training like some fresh Boot in live fire exercises. I could swear she was a reincarnation of a drill instructor. With the both of them working me furiously with the strength of a thousand geriatrics, along with my improved motor skills, my abilities in combat increased dramatically.

Lady Halette was quite surprised at my progress in just a couple of weeks. I had to explain to her how quickly I could process and retain information thanks to Oracle.

"Hmm... with a body like that, you'd be perfect for reconnaissance and espionage." she commented.

"I'm not really interested in... wetworks, Lady Halette." I replied.

"It's decided then! Today's training will consist of the basics of subterfuge." she continued.

"Ah, you're ignoring me again." I said frankly. One thing I learned about Lady Halette is that she never listens to anyone. I might as well talk to a brick wall.

I never imagined learning about stuff like this. Doing stuff like sneaking around castle walls or stalking forests without making a sound. But the both of them deemed it was something necessary for me to learn. Especially after our talk the other day. After one of our training sessions, I had a chance to sit down and chat with the both of them during dinner. I explained to them what my plans were afterwards.

"Eh? An island to the southwest you say?" Kurtz replied to my inquiry.

"To the southwest is the nation of Archipel. It's a coastal nation with a maritime history." Lady Halette commented,  "It's capital, Haven rests on the other side of Archipel Bay which is home to numerous islands. Unless you want to cross a treacherous mountain range, you'll want to take a boat from Steiger."

The Guildmaster leaned forward, "But the islands inside Archipel Bay is what you want, right? I know there's a C-Rank dungeon on an island. The two other dungeons in that nation are on land unfortunately."

I nodded, "Then that's where I'll head first."

Kurtz waved his arms in the air, "Oh, no you don't! Before you drive right in, you need to head to the Guild Branch over there and get registered first."

"I'm already part of the Guild. Do I need to introduce myself or something?" I asked.

"Of course! It's just common courtesy. You're considered a part of Haldin's Guild, after all. We all work for the same organization but each guild hall runs things a bit differently." Kurtz stated. "It would be best if you got acquainted with the Guildmaster over there. He's quite the researcher, " he leans in towards me and with a hushed tone says, "And if you ask me, needs to get rid of that stick up his bum."

Lady Halette ignored the Guildmaster's vulgar comment, "But still, Archipel... that guild is home to a recently raised S-Rank if I remember from one of my reports."

The Guildmaster groaned, "Aye, that kid. Some noble born who made a name for himself slaying a King Hydra. Apparently he's got a divine blessing or two that actually works, unlike a certain golem." He laughs in jest.

"How uncouth, Guildmaster Kurtz. I suspected that you were training Arlan just to show off to the other branches. Seems like I was right." Lady Halette snidely remarks.

Kurtz slams his hand on the desk, "You were gossiping with Vella, weren't you!?"

Halette snorts, "Hardly! I'm too old for gossip. When your office walls are so laughably thin and you being so loud, I'm surprised that the guild's comings and goings aren't known to everyone at this point."

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