Chapter 39 - Subterfuge

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Felyse thought she was the unluckiest person in the world. Traveling as a costume tailor for a dancing troupe, their caravan was waylaid by bandits on their way to Haldin. For the past week she and along with the rest of the female staff have been locked up inside the mountain fortress. She considered herself lucky in that regard. The dancers have already been taken away on the first night along with the rest of the men. The beastwoman knew that whoever wasn't killed was merely waiting transport to whoever would pay for them.

For now, at least, Felyse was glad that she wasn't in a cell. In her gut, however, she knew how this night will end. Right now, she and the rest of the women were being forced to cook a celebratory feast. She had heard from passing conversations that a golem had been found wandering the woods. One that looks like no other of it's kind. Something like that is bound to pull in a lot of gold. Even more than what near two dozen females and a handful of males can be sold.

Continuing to stir the cauldron filled with stew, she eyed one of the guards that was there to watch them while they worked in the kitchen. He had his grubby arms around one of her co-workers. A hostage to keep them all in line. Her ears twitched in anger every time his hands began to wander around her body. Her friend just stood there with an emotionless look on her face. She had already surrendered to hopelessness. But Felyse wouldn't. She would rather bite off her tongue than surrender herself to these pigs.

She shook her head in frustration. The beastwoman wanted desperately to fight back but even she knew that there was no way out of this alive. She thought that maybe it would be for the best to go down fighting at least. Surrounded by enemies, Felyse knew that she wouldn't see the light of another day. If the gods are willing, a few of them wouldn't either.

She began to reach down towards the smoldering logs below the cauldron when another girl grabbed her hand.

"Felyse!" she whispered harshly, "What do you think you're doing!?"

The beastwoman pulled her hand away swiftly, "Anette, let go! You know what's going to happen after dinner. Well, I'm not going to let them have their way with me. With all of us!"

The girl looked away. Felyse couldn't blame them for their inaction. Life is hard to let go of. Even if death looks like the better alternative. But this is the only choice they have now. No one is going to save them.

Heroes didn't exist. Not for people like them.

Her hand began to move down once more towards the logs when the ancillary door opened across the room. Moving her eyes towards the sound, she saw what appeared to be a golem. One dressed finely with a red cloak that hugged tightly around itself. The symbol of Haldin was emblazoned for all to see.

It looked around with it's cubed head as if it was confused on where it was. She thought if this was prize the bandits had found. It certainly didn't look like any golem she had seen before. Compared to the leather and wood materials that made up craftsman golems, this thing was pure metal, like it was one of the aggressive ones found in the wilds or dungeons.

"H-Hey! Golem! What are you doing here!?" The guard shouted the moment he noticed the new presence.

The golem began to wave its hands dramatically, "O-Oh! I'm sorry, sir! Terribly sorry! It seems I have gotten lost!" Just like any other golem, it's way of speech was alien. It's accent was something no one could figure out.

"What the-... Jermaine should have been keeping a watch on you!" he said as he approach the golem menacingly, "And who said you could wear clothes huh?"

"O-Oh... w-well, that guard told me to put them on. H-He started laughing as he wanted me to "put on a show". it replied, "T-Then he told me to go down here and get him some food."

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